%PLOTM Plot mapping values, contours or surface % % H = PLOTM(W,S,N) % % INPUT % W Trained mapping % S Plot strings, or scalar selecting type of plot % 1: density plot; % 2: contour plot (default); % 3: 3D surface plot; % 4: 3D surface plot above 2D contour plot; % 5; 3D mesh plot; % 6: 3D mesh plot above 2D contour plot) % N Contour level(s) to plot % (default: 10 contours between minimum and maximum) % % OUTPUT % H Array of graphics handles % % DESCRIPTION % This routine, similar to PLOTC, plots contours (not just decision % boundaries) of the mapping W on predefined axis, typically generated by % SCATTERD. Plotstrings may be set in S. The vector N selects the contour. % % If N = 'perc' 10 contour levels are drawn such that each level has an % equal area in the plot. % % EXAMPLES % See PREX_DENSITY % % SEE ALSO (PRTools Guide) % MAPPINGS, SCATTERD, PLOTC % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin, r.p.w.duin@37steps.com % Faculty EWI, Delft University of Technology % P.O. Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands % $Id: plotm.m,v 1.4 2009/09/25 13:15:17 duin Exp $ function handle = plotm(w,arg2,n,cnd) ismapping(w); % Assert that W is a mapping. w = w*setbatch; % Avoid memory prolems with large gridsizes % Get the parameters, the plotstrings and the number of contours. if (nargin < 4) cnd = 1; end; [k,c] = size(w); if (nargin < 3) n = []; end plottype = 2; s = []; if (nargin >= 2) if (~isstr(arg2) & ~isempty(arg2)) plottype = arg2; else s = arg2; end end if plottype == 2 & size(w,1) == 1 plottype = 1; end if (nargin < 2) | (isempty(s)) col = 'brmk'; s = [col' repmat('-',4,1)]; s = char(s,[col' repmat('--',4,1)]); s = char(s,[col' repmat('-.',4,1)]); s = char(s,[col' repmat(':',4,1)]); s = char(s,s,s,s); end % When one contour should be plotted, two entries have to be given in % the contour plot (Matlab bug/feature). %if (~isempty(n)) & (length(n) == 1), n = [n n]; end % Setup the mesh-grid, use the axis of the currently active figure. % Note: this will be a 0-1 grid in case of no given scatterplot. hold on; V = axis; gs = gridsize; dx = (V(2)-V(1))/gs; dy = (V(4)-V(3))/gs; if (plottype == 1) m = (gs+1); X = (V(1):dx:V(2))'; D = double([X,zeros(m,k-1)]*w); D = real(D); else m = (gs+1)*(gs+1); [X Y] = meshgrid(V(1):dx:V(2),V(3):dy:V(4)); D = double([X(:),Y(:),zeros(m,k-2)]*w); D = real(D); end; if (~cnd) % where is this used?? For what? (RD) D = sum(D,2); end; % HH will contain all handles to graphics created in this routine. hh = []; % Plot the densities in case of 1D output. if (plottype == 1) for j = 1:size(D,2) if (size(s,1) > 1), ss = s(j,:); else ss = s; end % Plot the densities and add the handles to HH. h = plot([V(1):dx:V(2)],D(:,j),deblank(ss)); hh = [hh; h]; end axis ([V(1) V(2) 0 1.2*max(max(D))]); ylabel('Density') end % Plot the contours in case of 2D output. if (plottype == 2) | (plottype == 4) | (plottype == 6) % Define the contour-heights if they are not given. if (isempty(n)) n = 10; dmax = max(D(:)); dmin = min(D(:)); dd = (dmax-dmin)/(n+1); n = [dmin+dd:dd:dmax-dd]; elseif ischar(n) && strcmp(n,'perc') n = prctile(D,5:10:95); end; if length(n) == 1, n = [n n]; end % Plot the contours for each of the classes. for j = 1:size(D,2) if (size(s,1) > 1), ss = s(j,:); else, ss = s; end Z = reshape(D(:,j),gs+1,gs+1); % Plot the contours and add the handles to HH. [cc, h] = contour([V(1):dx:V(2)],[V(3):dy:V(4)],Z,n,deblank(ss)); hh = [hh; h]; end view(2); end % Plot the surface in case of 3D output. if (plottype == 3) | (plottype == 4) | (plottype == 5) | (plottype == 6) % Scale the outputs to cover the whole colour range. %E = D - min(D(:)); %E = 255*E/max(E(:))+1; E = D; % Scaling appears disputable (RD) if (c>1) Z = reshape(sum(E,2),gs+1,gs+1); else Z = reshape(E(:,1),gs+1,gs+1); end if (plottype == 4) | (plottype == 6) Z = Z + max(max(Z)); end; % Plot the surface, set up lighting and add the handles to HH. h = surf([V(1):dx:V(2)],[V(3):dy:V(4)],Z); if (plottype == 3) | (plottype == 4) colormap jet; shading interp; set(h,'FaceColor','interp','EdgeColor','none','FaceLighting','none '); else colormap white; shading faceted; end view(-37.5,20); camlight left; % Necessary to solve camlight bug? camlight headlight; camlight right; hh = [hh; h]; end hold off; if (nargout > 0), handle = hh; end return