%PRDATAFILES Checks availability of a PRTools datafile (PRTools5 version!) % % PRDATAFILES % % Checks the availability of the PRDATAFILES directory, downloads the % Contents file and m-files if necessary and adds it to the search path. % Lists Contents file. % % PRDATAFILES RENEW % % Replace PRDATAFILES m-files by its most recent version. % % PRDATAFILES ALL % % Download and save all data related to the m-files (very time consuming!) % % PRDATAFILES(DFILE) % % Checks the availability of the particular datafile DFILE. DFILE should be % the name of the m-file. If it does not exist in the 'prdatafiles' % directory an attempt is made to download it from the PRTools web site. % % PRDATAFILES(DFILEDIR,SIZE,URL) % % This command should be used inside a PRDATAFILES m-file. It checks the % availability of the particular datafile directory DFILEDIR and downloads % it if needed. SIZE is the size of the datafile in Mbyte, just used to % inform the user. In URL the web location may be supplied. Default is % http://prtools.org/prdatafiles/DFILEDIR.zip % % All downloading is done interactively and should be approved by the user. % % SEE ALSO (PRTools Guide) % DATAFILES, PRDATASETS, PRDOWNLOAD % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin, r.p.w.duin@37steps.com function prdatafiles(dfile,siz,url) persistent ask; if isempty(ask), ask = true; end if nargin < 1, dfile = []; end if nargin < 2, siz = []; end if nargin < 3 | isempty(url) url = ['http://prtools.org/prdatafiles/' dfile '.zip']; end if exist('highway','file') ~= 2 prtoolsdir = fileparts(which(mfilename)); toolsdir = fileparts(prtoolsdir); if exist(fullfile(toolsdir,'prdatafiles/Contents.m'),'file') ~= 2 path = input(['The directory prdatafiles is not found in the search path.' ... newline 'If it exists, give the path, otherwise hit the return for an automatic download.' ... newline 'Path to prdatafiles: '],'s'); if ~isempty(path) addpath(path); feval(mfilename,dfile,siz); return else % Load all m-files from prdatafiles5 !!! [ss,dirname] = prdownload('http://prtools.org/prdatafiles5/prdatafiles.zip','prdatafiles'); addpath(dirname) end else addpath(fullfile(toolsdir,'prdatafiles')); end end if isempty(dfile) % just list Contents file help('prdatafiles/Contents') elseif ~isempty(dfile) & nargin == 1 % check / load m-file % this just loads the m-file in case it does not exist and updates the % Contents file if strcmpi(dfile,'renew') if exist('prdatafiles/Contents.m','file') ~= 2 % no prdatafiles in the path, just start feval(mfilename); else dirname = fileparts(which('prdatafiles/Contents')); prdownload('http://prtools.org/prdatafiles5/prdatafiles.zip',dirname); end elseif strcmpi(dfile,'all') if exist('prdatafiles/Contents','file') ~= 2 % no prdatafiles in the path, just start feval(mfilename); end % load all data without asking ask = false; tooldir = fileparts(which('prdatafiles/Contents')); files = dir([tooldir '/*.m']); files = char({files(:).name}); L = strmatch('Contents',files); % no data for Contents L = [L; strmatch('pr',files)]; % no data for support routines files(L,:) = []; for j=1:size(files,1) cmd = deblank(files(j,:)); disp([newline cmd]) feval(cmd(1:end-2)); end ask = true; elseif exist(['prdatafiles/' dfile],'file') ~= 2 % load m-file prdownload(['http://prtools.org/prdatafiles5/' dfile '.m'],dirname); prdownload('http://prtools.org/prdatafiles5/Contents.m',dirname); feval(dfile); % takes care that data is available as well end else % dfile is now the name of the datafile directory %It might be different from the m-file, so we cann't check it. rootdir = fileparts(which('prdatafiles/Contents')); if exist(fullfile(rootdir,dfile),'dir') ~= 7 if ask csiz = ['(' num2str(siz) ' MB)']; q = input(['Datafile is not available, OK to download ' csiz ' [y]/n ?'],'s'); if ~isempty(q) & ~strcmp(q,'y') error('Datafile not found') end end prdownload(url,rootdir,siz); disp(['Datafile ' dfile ' ready for use']) end end