%PREX_DENSITY Various density plots % % Prtools example to show the use of density estimators and how to % visualize them. help prex_density delfigs figure echo on % Generate one-class data a = gencirc(200); % Parzen desity estimation w = parzenm(a); % scatterplot subplot(2,2,1); scatterd(a,[10,5]); plotm(w); title('Parzen Density') % 3D density plot subplot(2,2,2); scatterd(a,[10,5]); plotm(w,3); % Mixture of Gaussians (5) w = gaussm(a,5); % scatterplot subplot(2,2,3); scatterd(a,[10,5]); plotm(w); title('Mixture of 5 Gaussians') % 3D density plot subplot(2,2,4); scatterd(a,[10,5]); plotm(w,3); drawnow disp([newline ' Study figure at full screen, shrink and hit return']) pause figure % Define, name and store four density esimators W1 = gaussm; W1 = setname(W1,'Gaussian'); W2 = gaussm([],2); W2 = setname(W2,'Mixture of 2 Gaussians'); W3 = parzenm; W4 = knnm([],10); W4 = setname(W4,'10-Nearest Neighbor'); W = {W1 W2 W3 W4}; % generate data a = +gendath; % plot densities and estimator name for j=1:4 subplot(2,2,j) scatterd(a,[10,5]) plotm(a*W{j}) title([getname(W{j}) ' density estimation']) end echo off showfigs