/* * QLD.C * * A Matlab MEX interface to Prof. K. Schittkowski's (Univ. of Bayreuth, * Germany) and Prof. M.J.D. Powell's (Univ. of Cambridge, UK) FORTRAN QLD * routine, kindly provided by Prof. A.L. Tits (Univ. of Maryland, US). * * This routine can be called as: * * [x, u] = QLD (H, f, A, b, lb, ub, x0, n) * * where * * x = vector that minimizes: 0.5*x' H x + f' x, * * with constraints A(i)x + b(i) = 0, i = 1, ..., n * A(i)x + b(i) >= 0, i > n (????) * * and lb < x < ub * * u = set of Lagrange multipliers of the constraints, lower bounds * and upper bounds (in that order) in point x * * The function will return x = [] and print an apropriate message in * case an error occurs. * * x0 can be used as an initial guess (not implemented yet). * * (C) 1996 David Tax & Dick de Ridder * Faculty of Applied Physics, Delft University of Technology * P.O. Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands * * $Id: qld.c,v 2006/03/07 15:20:39 davidt Exp $ */ #include #include #include #undef DEBUG int ql0001_(int *m,int *me,int *mmax,int *n,int *nmax,int *mnn, double *c,double *d,double *a,double *b,double *xl, double *xu,double *x,double *u,int *iout,int *ifail, int *iprint,double *war,int *lwar,int *iwar,int *liwar, double *eps1); #define VAR_H (0) #define VAR_f (1) #define VAR_A (2) #define VAR_b (3) #define VAR_vlb (4) #define VAR_vub (5) #define VAR_xo (6) #define VAR_n (7) #define Matrix mxArray void printMyMatrix (char *name, Matrix *m) { int i, j; double *p; p = mxGetPr (m); mexPrintf ("%s = \n", name); for (i = 1; i <= mxGetN (m); i++) { for (j = 1; j <= mxGetM (m); j++) { mexPrintf ("%lf ", *p); p++; } mexPrintf ("\n"); } } void mexFunction (int nlhs, Matrix *plhs[], int nrhs, const Matrix *prhs[]) { Matrix *x, *u, *error; int *no_constraints, *no_equality_constraints, *no_variables, *no_mnn, *output_fd, *output_fail, *output_print, *no_double_working_array, *no_int_working_array, *int_working_array; double *H, *f, *A, *b, *vlb, *vub, *epsilon, *double_working_array; /* We need 8 arguments, and return 1 or 2. */ if ((nrhs != 8) || (nlhs < 1) || (nlhs > 2)) { mexPrintf ("usage: [x, u] = QLD (H,f,A,b,lb,ub,x0,n)\n"); return; } no_constraints = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int)); *no_constraints = mxGetM (prhs[VAR_A]); no_equality_constraints = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int)); *no_equality_constraints = mxGetScalar (prhs[VAR_n]); no_variables = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int)); *no_variables = mxGetN (prhs[VAR_A]); no_mnn = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int)); *no_mnn = *no_constraints + 2 * *no_variables; H = (double *) mxGetPr (prhs[VAR_H]); f = (double *) mxGetPr (prhs[VAR_f]); A = (double *) mxGetPr (prhs[VAR_A]); b = (double *) mxGetPr (prhs[VAR_b]); vlb = (double *) mxGetPr (prhs[VAR_vlb]); vub = (double *) mxGetPr (prhs[VAR_vub]); x = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (*no_variables, 1, mxREAL); u = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (*no_mnn, 1, mxREAL); error = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (0, 0, mxREAL); no_double_working_array = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int)); *no_double_working_array = (int) ((3 * *no_variables * *no_variables) / 2 + 10 * *no_variables + 2 * *no_constraints + 1); no_int_working_array = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int)); *no_int_working_array = *no_variables; double_working_array = (double *) malloc (*no_double_working_array * sizeof (double)); int_working_array = (int *) malloc (*no_int_working_array * sizeof (int)); int_working_array[0] = 1; int_working_array[1] = 1; output_fd = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int)); *output_fd = 1; output_fail = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int)); output_print = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int)); *output_print = 1; epsilon = (double *) malloc (sizeof (double)); *epsilon = 1.0e-20; #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf ("No. constraints : %d\n", *no_constraints); mexPrintf ("No. equality constraints: %d\n", *no_equality_constraints); mexPrintf ("No. variables : %d\n", *no_variables); printMyMatrix ("H", prhs[VAR_H]); printMyMatrix ("f", prhs[VAR_f]); printMyMatrix ("A", prhs[VAR_A]); printMyMatrix ("b", prhs[VAR_b]); printMyMatrix ("vlb", prhs[VAR_vlb]); printMyMatrix ("vub", prhs[VAR_vub]); #endif ql0001_ (no_constraints, no_equality_constraints, no_constraints, no_variables, no_variables, no_mnn, H, f, A, b, vlb, vub, mxGetPr (x), mxGetPr (u), output_fd, output_fail, output_print, double_working_array, no_double_working_array, int_working_array, no_int_working_array, epsilon); if (*output_fail > 0) { plhs[0] = error; if (nlhs > 1) { plhs[1] = error; } /* mxFree (x); mxFree (u);*/ mxDestroyArray(x); mxDestroyArray(u); if (*output_fail == 1) { mexPrintf ("error: too many iterations\n"); } else if (*output_fail == 2) { mexPrintf ("error: insufficient accuracy to satisfy convergence " "criterion\n"); } else if (*output_fail == 5) { mexPrintf ("error: internal - working array too short\n"); } else if (*output_fail > 10) { mexPrintf ("error: inconsistent constraints\n"); } } else { plhs[0] = x; if (nlhs == 2) { plhs[1] = u; } else { /* mxFree (u);*/ mxDestroyArray(u); } #ifdef DEBUG printMyMatrix (x); #endif } free (epsilon); free (output_print); free (output_fail); free (output_fd); free (int_working_array); free (double_working_array); free (no_int_working_array); free (no_double_working_array); free (no_mnn); free (no_variables); free (no_equality_constraints); free (no_constraints); }