%PRWAITBARNEXT Low level routine to simplify PRWAITBAR next calls % % COUNT = PRWAITBARNEXT(N,STRING,COUNT) % % Update call for PRWAITBAR after initialisation by PRWAITBARINIT. % % In case COUNT = 0 it initializes as well and a separate call to % PRWAITBARINIT is not needed. % % SEE PRWAITBARINIT function count = prwaitbarnext(n,ss,count) if count < 0 [n,s,count] = prwaitbarinit(ss,n); else s = sprintf(ss,n); end if n > 1 count = count + 1; % we show one count more as prwaitbarnext typically is at the end of a % loop, while prwaitbar is at the beginning prwaitbar(n,count+1,[s int2str(count+1)]); if count == n prwaitbar(0); end end return