%SELECTIM Select one or more images in multiband image or dataset % depeciated, use BANDSEL % % B = SELECTIM(A,N) % B = A*SELECTIM([],N) % % INPUT % A Multiband image or dataset containing multiband images % N Vector or scalar pointing to desired images % % OUTPUT % B New, reduced, multiband image or dataset % % This function is obsolete. Use the more general command BANDSEL instead. function b = selectim(a,n) if nargin < 2, n = 1; end if nargin < 1 | isempty(a) b = prmapping(mfilename,'fixed',{n}) b = setname(b,'SelectImage'); return end if isdataset(a) im = data2im(a); if ndims(im) < 3 | ndims(im) > 4 error('3D images expected') elseif ndims(im) == 3 im = im(:,:,n); else im = im(:,:,n,:); end fsize = size(im); if isobjim(a) b = setdat(a,im2obj(im,fsize(1:3))); b = setfeatsize(b,fsize(1:3)); else b = im2feat(im); end elseif isdatafile(a) b = a*filtm([],'selectim',n); elseif isa(a,'double') if ndims(a) ~= 3 error('3D images expected') end b = a(:,:,n); else error('Unexpected datatype') end return