%EMCLUST Expectation-Maximization clustering % % [LABELS,W_EM] = EMCLUST (A,W_CLUST,K,LABTYPE,FID) % % INPUT % A Dataset, possibly labeled % W_CLUST Cluster model mapping, untrained (default: nmc) % K Number of clusters (default: 2) % LABTYPE Label type: 'crisp' or 'soft' (default: label type of A) % FID File ID to write progress to (default [], see PRPROGRESS) % % OUTPUT % LABELS Integer labels for the objects in A pointing to their cluster % W_EM EM clustering mapping % % DESCRIPTION % The untrained classifier mapping W_CLUST is used to update an initially % labeled dataset A by iterating the following two steps: % 1. Train W : W_EM = A*W_CLUST % 2. Relabel A : A = dataset(A,labeld(A*W_EM*classc)) % This is repeated until the labeling does not change anymore. The final % classification matrix is returned in B. The final crisp labeling is returned % in LABELS. W_EM may be used for assigning new objects. % % If K is given, a random initialisation for K clusters is made and labels % of A are neglected. % % LABTYPE determines the type of labeling: 'crisp' or 'soft'. Default: label % type of A. It is assumed W_CLUST can handle the LABTYPE requested. % Only in case LABTYPE is 'soft' the traditional EM algorithm is followed. % In case LABTYPE is 'crisp' EMCLUST follows a generalised k-means % algorithm. % % SEE ALSO % MAPPINGS, DATASETS, KMEANS, PRPROGRESS % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin, r.p.w.duin@prtools.org % Faculty EWI, Delft University of Technology % P.O. Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands % $Id: emclust.m,v 1.9 2009/02/03 21:07:26 duin Exp $ function [new_lab,w_em] = emclust (a,w_clust,n,type,fid) prtrace(mfilename); n_ini = 500; % Maximum size of subset to use for initialisation. epsilon = 1e-6; % Stop when average labeling change drops below this. % Check arguments. if (nargin < 5), fid = []; end if (nargin < 4) prwarning(3,'No label type specified, using label type of dataset A.'); type = []; end if (nargin < 3) | isempty(n) prwarning(3,'No number of clusters specified, using number of classes in A.'); n = []; end if (nargin < 2) | isempty(w_clust) prwarning(2,'No clustering mapping specified, assuming NMC.'); w_clust = nmc; end isuntrained(w_clust); % Assert that clustering mapping is untrained. % Determine number of clusters N and initialisation method. a = testdatasize(a); islabtype(a,'crisp','soft'); [m,k,c] = getsize(a); rand_init = 1; if (isempty(n)) if (c == 1) % For one class, find two clusters. n = 2; else n = c; rand_init = 0; % Use given classification as initialisation. end end if (n < 1), error('Number of clusters should be at least one.'); end if (n == 1), prwarning(4,'Clustering with 1 cluster is trivial.'); end % Set label type, if given. if ~isempty(type), a = setlabtype(a,type); end a = setprior(a,[]); % make sure that priors will be deleted % Initialise by performing KCENTRES on... prwaitbar(2,'EM Clustering, initialization'); prwaitbar(2,1); if (rand_init) not_found = 1; itern = 0; while(not_found) % try to find an initialisation with all class sizes > 1 if (m > n_ini) % ... a random subset of A. prwarning(2,'Initializing by performing KCENTRES on a subset of %d samples.', n_ini); % a_ini = +gendat(+a,n_ini); %sampleo uniformemente el feature-space a_ini = +a; a_ini = sum(abs(a_ini),2); [~, sort_idx ] = sort(a_ini); a_ini = +a(sort_idx(randsample(m, n_ini)),:); else prwarning(2,'Initializing by performing KCENTRES on the training set.'); a_ini = +a; % ... the entire set A. end itern = itern + 1; if itern > 3 error('Not possible to find desired number of components') end % add some noise to data to avoid problems % 50 trials assign = zeros(1,n-1); std_a_ini = std(a_ini); jj = 1; iter_max = 50; while( jj <= iter_max ) try assign = kcentres(+distm(a_ini.*(ones(size(a_ini))+ bsxfun(@times, max( [repmat(0.001,size(std_a_ini)); 0.01*std_a_ini] ), randn(size(a_ini))))),n,50); if( length(unique(assign)) == n ) a_ini = prdataset(a_ini,assign); a_ini = setprior(a_ini,getprior(a_ini,0)); if( isvaldfile(a_ini,1,2) ) break end end catch ME % if( strcmpi(ME.message, 'kcentres fails as some objects are identical: add some noise')) % std_a_ini = std_a_ini * 2; % else % rethrow(ME) % end error('Not possible to find desired number of components') end jj = jj + 1; end if( jj > iter_max ) error('Not possible to find desired number of components') end % Train initial classifier on labels generated by KCENTRES and find % initial hard labels. Use NMC instead of W_CLUST to make sure that we % always have enough data to estimate the parameters. try d = a*(a_ini*nmc); catch ME fprintf(2, 'Valid %d\n\n', isvaldfile(a_ini,1,2) ) error('Not possible to find desired number of components') end if (islabtype(a,'soft')) new_lab = +d; not_found = 0; else new_lab = d*labeld; cs_new_lab = classsizes(prdataset(d,new_lab)); if length(cs_new_lab) == n && all( cs_new_lab > 1) not_found = 0; end end end lablist_org = []; else lablist_org = getlablist(a); a = setlablist(a,[1:c]'); new_lab = getlabels(a); % Use given labeling. end % Ready for the work. iter = 0; change = 1; prwaitbar(2,2,'EM Clustering, EM loop') prwaitbar(100,['using ' getname(w_clust)]); if (islabtype(a,'soft')) prprogress(fid,'emclust optim: iter, change (mse):\n'); prprogress(fid,' %i, %f \n',0,0); a = setlabels(a,new_lab); a = setprior(a,getprior(a,0)); laba = getlabels(a); lab = new_lab; while (change > epsilon) % EM loop, run until labeling is stable. prwaitbar(100,100-100*exp(-iter/10)); w_em = a*w_clust; % 1. Train classifier, density output. b = a*(w_em*classc); % 2. Assign probability to training samples. a = settargets(a,b); % 3. Insert probabilities as new labels. change = mean(mean((+b-lab).^2)); lab = b; prprogress(fid,' %i, %f \n',iter,change); iter = iter+1; if iter > 500 prwarning(1,'emclust stopped after 500 iterations') change = 0; end end else % crisp labels prprogress(fid,'emclust optim: iter, change (#obj), #clust:\n'); prprogress(fid,' %i, %i %i \n',0,0,0); lab = ones(m,1); while (change ~= 0 && any(lab ~= new_lab)) % EM loop, run until labeling is stable. prwaitbar(100,100-100*exp(-iter/10)); a = setlabels(a,new_lab); % 0. Set labels and store old labels. a = setprior(a,getprior(a,0));% Set priors to class frequencies lab = new_lab; % a = remclass(a,1); % demand class sizes > 2 objects itern = 0; while getsize(a,3) < n % increase number of classes if necessary itern = itern + 1; if itern > 5 error('Not possible to find desired number of components') end laba = getlablist(a); labmax = max(laba); N = classsizes(a); [Nmax,cmax] = max(N); % find largest class aa = seldat(a,cmax); % select just that one std_aa = std(+aa); bContinue = true; while( bContinue ) try new_lab_aa = kmeans(aa .* (ones(size(+aa))+ bsxfun(@times, max( [repmat(0.001,size(+aa)); 0.01*std_aa] ), randn(size(+aa)))) ,2); % split it by kmeans bContinue = false; catch ME % if( strcmpi(ME.message, 'kcentres fails as some objects are identical: add some noise')) % std_aa = std_aa * 2; % else % rethrow(ME) % end error('Not possible to find desired number of components') end end N1 = sum(new_lab_aa == 1); N2 = sum(new_lab_aa == 2); if (N1 > 1 & N2 > 1) % use it if both classes have more than one sample J = findlabels(a,laba(cmax,:)); a = setlabels(a,new_lab_aa + labmax,J); end end std_a = std(+a); w_em = (a .* (ones(size(+a))+ bsxfun(@times, max( [repmat(0.001,1,size(+a,2)); 1e-6*std_a] ), randn(size(+a))))) * w_clust; % 1. Compute classifier, crisp output. b = a*w_em; % 2. Classify training samples. new_lab = labeld(b); % 3. Insert classification as new labels. prprogress(fid,' %i, %i %i \n', ... iter,length(find(lab ~= new_lab)),length(unique(new_lab))); iter = iter+1; %DXD Added also the iter for the crisp labels if iter > 50 prwarning(1,'emclust stopped after 50 iterations') change = 0; end %para ver la velocidad de convergencia. % disp(sum(lab ~= new_lab)) end end prwaitbar(0) prwaitbar(0) % if ~isempty(lablist_org) % substitute original labels if desired % new_lab = lablist_org(new_lab); % confmat_new % wlab = getlabels(w_em); % wlab = lablist_org(wlab); % w_em = setlabels(w_em,wlab); % end return;