function [A, z] = normalize(A, dim) % Make the entries of a (multidimensional) array sum to 1 % [A, z] = normalize(A) normalize the whole array, where z is the normalizing constant % [A, z] = normalize(A, dim) % If dim is specified, we normalize the specified dimension only. % dim=1 means each column sums to one % dim=2 means each row sums to one % %% % Set any zeros to one before dividing. % This is valid, since s=0 iff all A(i)=0, so % we will get 0/1=0 % This file is from if(nargin < 2) z = sum(A(:)); z(z==0) = 1; A = A./z; else z = sum(A, dim); z(z==0) = 1; A = bsxfun(@rdivide, A, z); end end