function [model, top] = rbmBB(X, numhid, varargin) %Learn RBM with Bernoulli hidden and visible units %This is not meant to be applied to image data %code by Andrej Karpathy %based on implementation of Kevin Swersky and Ruslan Salakhutdinov %INPUTS: %X ... data. should be binary, or in [0,1] to be interpreted % ... as probabilities %numhid ... number of hidden layers %additional inputs (specified as name value pairs or in struct) %method ... CD or SML %eta ... learning rate %momentum ... momentum for smoothness amd to prevent overfitting % ... NOTE: momentum is not recommended with SML %maxepoch ... # of epochs: each is a full pass through train data %avglast ... how many epochs before maxepoch to start averaging % ... before. Procedure suggested for faster convergence by % ... Kevin Swersky in his MSc thesis %penalty ... weight decay factor %batchsize ... The number of training instances per batch %verbose ... For printing progress %anneal ... Flag. If set true, the penalty is annealed linearly % ... through epochs to 10% of its original value %OUTPUTS: %model.type ... Type of RBM (i.e. type of its visible and hidden units) %model.W ... The weights of the connections %model.b ... The biases of the hidden layer %model.c ... The biases of the visible layer ... The activity of the top layer, to be used when training % ... DBN's %errors ... The errors in reconstruction at every epoch %Process options %if args are just passed through in calls they become cells if (isstruct(varargin)) args= prepareArgs(varargin{1}); else args= prepareArgs(varargin); end [ method ... eta ... momentum ... maxepoch ... avglast ... penalty ... batchsize ... verbose ... anneal ... ] = process_options(args , ... 'method' , 'CD' , ... 'eta' , 0.1 , ... 'momentum' , 0.5 , ... 'maxepoch' , 50 , ... 'avglast' , 5 , ... 'penalty' , 2e-4 , ... 'batchsize' , 100 , ... 'verbose' , false , ... 'anneal' , false); avgstart = maxepoch - avglast; oldpenalty= penalty; [N,d]=size(X); if (verbose) fprintf('Preprocessing data...\n'); end %Create batches numcases=N; numdims=d; numbatches= ceil(N/batchsize); groups= repmat(1:numbatches, 1, batchsize); groups= groups(1:N); perm=randperm(N); groups = groups(perm); for i=1:numbatches batchdata{i}= X(groups==i,:); end %train RBM W = 0.1*randn(numdims,numhid); c = zeros(1,numdims); b = zeros(1,numhid); ph = zeros(numcases,numhid); nh = zeros(numcases,numhid); phstates = zeros(numcases,numhid); nhstates = zeros(numcases,numhid); negdata = zeros(numcases,numdims); negdatastates = zeros(numcases,numdims); Winc = zeros(numdims,numhid); binc = zeros(1,numhid); cinc = zeros(1,numdims); Wavg = W; bavg = b; cavg = c; t = 1; errors=zeros(1,maxepoch); for epoch = 1:maxepoch errsum=0; if (anneal) %apply linear weight penalty decay penalty= oldpenalty - 0.9*epoch/maxepoch*oldpenalty; end for batch = 1:numbatches [numcases numdims]=size(batchdata{batch}); data = batchdata{batch}; % %go up % ph = logistic(data*W + repmat(b,numcases,1)); % phstates = ph > rand(numcases,numhid); % if (isequal(method,'SML')) % if (epoch == 1 && batch == 1) % nhstates = phstates; % end % elseif (isequal(method,'CD')) % nhstates = phstates; % end %%%%%%%%% START POSITIVE PHASE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% poshidprobs = 1./(1 + exp(-data*W - repmat(b,numcases,1))); posprods = data' * poshidprobs; poshidact = sum(poshidprobs); posvisact = sum(data); %%%%%%%%% END OF POSITIVE PHASE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% poshidstates = poshidprobs > rand(numcases,numhid); % %go down % negdata = logistic(nhstates*W' + repmat(c,numcases,1)); % negdatastates = negdata > rand(numcases,numdims); % % %go up one more time % nh = logistic(negdatastates*W + repmat(b,numcases,1)); % nhstates = nh > rand(numcases,numhid); %%%%%%%%% START NEGATIVE PHASE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% negdata = 1./(1 + exp(-poshidstates*W' - repmat(c,numcases,1))); neghidprobs = 1./(1 + exp(-negdata*W - repmat(b,numcases,1))); negprods = negdata'*neghidprobs; neghidact = sum(neghidprobs); negvisact = sum(negdata); %%%%%%%%% END OF NEGATIVE PHASE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% err= sum(sum( (data-negdata).^2 )); errsum = err + errsum; if epoch>5, this_momentum=1.8*momentum; else this_momentum=momentum; end; % %update weights and biases % dW = (data'*ph - negdatastates'*nh); % dc = sum(data) - sum(negdatastates); % db = sum(ph) - sum(nh); % Winc = momentum*Winc + eta*(dW/numcases - penalty*W); % binc = momentum*binc + eta*(db/numcases); % cinc = momentum*cinc + eta*(dc/numcases); % W = W + Winc; % b = b + binc; % c = c + cinc; %%%%%%%%% UPDATE WEIGHTS AND BIASES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Winc = this_momentum*Winc + eta*( (posprods-negprods)/numcases - penalty*W); binc = this_momentum*binc + (eta/numcases)*(poshidact-neghidact); cinc = this_momentum*cinc + (eta/numcases)*(posvisact-negvisact); W = W + Winc; c = c + cinc; b = b + binc; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF UPDATES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % if (epoch > avgstart) % %apply averaging % Wavg = Wavg - (1/t)*(Wavg - W); % cavg = cavg - (1/t)*(cavg - c); % bavg = bavg - (1/t)*(bavg - b); % t = t+1; % else Wavg = W; bavg = b; cavg = c; % end %accumulate reconstruction error err= sum(sum( (data-negdata).^2 )); errsum = err + errsum; end errors(epoch)=errsum; if (verbose) fprintf('Ended epoch %i/%i. Reconstruction error is %f\n', ... epoch, maxepoch, errsum); end end model.type= 'BB'; top = logistic(X*Wavg + repmat(bavg,N,1)); model.W= Wavg; model.b= bavg; model.c= cavg;