function prediction = rbmPredict(model, testdata) %Use RBM to predict discrete label for testdata %INPUTS: %model ... is the model from rbmFit() consisting of W,b,c,Wc,cc %testdata ... binary, or in [0,1] interpreted as probabilities %OUTPUTS: %prediction ... the discrete labels for every class % numclasses= size(m.Wc, 1); % numcases= size(testdata, 1); % F = zeros(numcases, numclasses); % % %set every class bit in turn and find -free energy of the configuration % for i=1:numclasses % X= zeros(numcases, numclasses); % X(:, i)=1; % F(:,i) = repmat(,numcases,1).*X(:,i)+ ... % sum(log(exp(testdata*m.W+ ... % X*m.Wc+repmat(m.b,numcases,1))+1),2); % end % % %take the max % [q, predid]= max(F, [], 2); % prediction=zeros(size(predid)); % for i=1:length(prediction) %convert back to users labels % prediction(i)= m.labels(predid(i)); % end targetout = exp([testdata ones(size(testdata,1),1)]* [model.Wc']' ); % targetout = bsxfun( @rdivide, targetout, sum(targetout,2)); % [ ~, prediction] = max(targetout, [], 2); prediction = bsxfun( @rdivide, targetout, sum(targetout,2));