function offset = searchoff(picoffset, sig, K) % % offset = searchoff(picoffset, sig, K); % % searches the offset of a wave using the derivative method (I use it with a wavevelet). sig's first sample must be piconset. % % INPUT: % % picoffset: position of the last relevant modulos maximum in the wavelet % sig: wavelet signal (one scale) % K: threshold factor % % Juan Pablo Martínez Cortés % Last update: if isempty(picoffset)|isempty(sig), %#ok offset = []; return; end maxderoff = abs(sig(1)); % maximum derivative ind1 = min(find(abs(sig(2:end)) ind2 = buscamin(sig(2:end)); if isempty(ind1)&isempty(ind2), %#ok offset = picoffset + length(sig)-1; elseif isempty(ind1), offset = picoffset +ind2; elseif isempty(ind2), offset = picoffset +ind1; else offset = picoffset +min(ind1,ind2); end