function [indexes,RM,segind]=signaltest(x,step,mode,th1) % % detecting severe quality loss in ECG % In: % x = evaluation signal (square of the WT in scale 1) % step = samples to consider in each subinterval for local evaluation (use samplig frequency, by default 1000) % mode = signaltest mode 1:RMS max test (default) % % Out: % indexes - samples with possible quality loss % % RM - root of the mean of signal x values % segind - samples corresponding to the RM evaluation (beginning and end of each segment, beginning of each subsegment) % % The root of the mean of signal x (RM) in each 2^16 maximum length segment % is compared with the global segment threshould th1=2*step % If RM>th1 the RM in each subsegment of length step is compared with % the the local threshould th2=step and indexes for which RM>th2 are retrieved % % Created by Rute Almeida ( on May 14, 2009. % Revision 10MAR2009 if nargin<4 %th1=2*step*10; %th1=1.75*step*10; %th2=step*10; th1=sqrt(mean(x.^2)); if nargin<3 mode=1; if nargin<2 step=1000; end end end if isempty(mode) end seglength=length(x); segment=[-seglength+1 0]; RM=[];detector=[]; X=zeros(size(x)); segind=0; lead=1; %#ok flag=0; n=length(x); while segment(end)(th1*1.2); th2=mean(RM_seg(~RM_ind)); if sum(RM_ind)>0 flag=1; for j=1:count segind=[segind segment(1)+(j-1)*step]; %#ok RM=[RM sqrt(mean(x((segind(end)-segment(1)+1):min(segind(end)-segment(1)+1+step,length(x))).^2))]; %#ok end segind(1)=[]; else segind= intervals; RM=[RM RM_seg]; %#ok end end if flag==1; detector=segind(find(RM>(2*th2))); %#ok end if ~isempty(detector) indexes=ones(step,1)*detector+(ones(length(detector),1)*(1:step))'; %indexes=(ones(step,1)*detector*(step-1)+(ones(length(detector),1)*(1:step))'); indexes=indexes(:); else indexes=[]; end if length(indexes)>0.9*length(x(:,1)) indexes=[]; end