%% (Internal) Write annotation files for biomedical signals in MIT Format. (MEX file) % % Description % Input ann_struct is a struct with 6 fields: time, anntyp, subtyp, chan, num % and aux, as the one returned by readannot. % Each of this fields is a vector with as many elements as the number of events % in the anotator. The struct can be incomplete, but time and anntyp fields are % strictly necessary. % % writeannot(ann_filename,ann_struct) % % Arguments: % % + ECG_header: original header struct. % % + ECG_idx: signal indexes to select. % % Output: % % + ECG_header: trimed header struct. % % See also read_ecg, writeheader, ECGwrapper % % Author: Juan Pablo Martinez Cortes % adapted by Mariano Llamedo Soria % Version: 0.1 beta % Birthdate: 21/7/2010 % Last update: 20/02/2013 % Copyright 2008-2015 %