function anot=readannot(name,heasig,t) % READANNOT READS DB-ANNOTATION FILES % % Input parameters: name -> character string with name of annotation file % heasig -> header structure signal % t=[t0 t1] -> vector of interval of reading in samples % Salvador Olmos % e-mail: dim=heasig.nsamp/heasig.freq*2; % pre-allocating of memory anot=struct('time',zeros(dim,1),'anntyp',blanks(dim)','subtyp',blanks(dim)','chan',blanks(dim)','num',blanks(dim)','aux',repmat(blanks(dim)',1,10)); del=1; % Opening binary file fida=fopen(name,'rb'); if fida<0 disp('can not open annotation file'); keyboard; end % Initialization of variables pos=0; % relative position to the beginnning of file i=1; % index of annotation number currnumfield='0'; currchanfield='0'; subtyp='0'; % Reading of the two first bytes for annotation code data=fread(fida,2,'uchar'); L=['NLRaVFJASEj/Q~ | sT*D"=pB^t+u?!{}en xf()r']; % Dictionaty of annotation types while (~feof(fida) & pos=59) % Special annotation codes if A==59, skip=fread(fida,4,'uchar'); I=skip(3)+256*(skip(4)+256*(skip(1)+256*skip(2))); pos=pos+I; I=0; elseif A==60, currnumfield=setstr(I); elseif A==61, subtyp=num2str(I); elseif A==62, currchanfield=setstr(I); elseif A==63, if rem(I,2)==1, I=I+1; end; h=setstr(fread(fida,I,'char'))'; anot.aux(i,1:length(h))=h; end; data=fread(fida,2,'uchar'); if (feof(fida)) del=0; break; end A=data(1)+data(2)*256; I=rem(A,1024); A=floor(A/1024); end pos=pos+II; anot.time(i)=pos; anot.num(i)=currnumfield; anot.chan(i)=currchanfield; anot.subtyp(i)=str2num(subtyp); subtyp='0'; i=i+1; end fclose(fida); if i=t(2)); anot.time(aux)=[]; anot.anntyp(aux)=[]; anot.subtyp(aux)=[]; anot.num(aux)=[]; anot.chan(aux)=[]; anot.aux(i-del,:)=' '; anot.aux=anot.aux(1:i-1-del,:); % if A==0, %elseif A==1,anot.anntyp(i)='N'; %Normal beat %elseif A==2,anot.anntyp(i)='L'; %Left bundle branch block beat %elseif A==3,anot.anntyp(i)='R'; %Right bundle branch block beat %elseif A==4,anot.anntyp(i)='a'; %Aberrated atrial premature beat %elseif A==5,anot.anntyp(i)='V'; %Premature ventricular contraction %elseif A==6,anot.anntyp(i)='F'; %Fusuion of ventricular and normal beat %elseif A==7,anot.anntyp(i)='J'; %Nodal (junctional) premature beat %elseif A==8,anot.anntyp(i)='A'; %Atrial premature beat %elseif A==9,anot.anntyp(i)='S'; %Premature or ectopic supraventricular beat %elseif A==10,anot.anntyp(i)='E'; %Ventricular escape beat %elseif A==11,anot.anntyp(i)='j'; %Nodal (junctional) escape beat %elseif A==12,anot.anntyp(i)='/'; %Paced beat %elseif A==13,anot.anntyp(i)='Q'; %Unclassifiable beat %elseif A==14,anot.anntyp(i)='~'; %Signal quality change %elseif A==15,anot.anntyp(i)=''; %Not specified %elseif A==16,anot.anntyp(i)='|'; %Isolated QRS-like artifact %elseif A==17,anot.anntyp(i)=''; %Not specified %elseif A==18,anot.anntyp(i)='s'; %ST change %elseif A==19,anot.anntyp(i)='T'; %T-wave change %elseif A==20,anot.anntyp(i)='*'; %Systole %elseif A==21,anot.anntyp(i)='D'; %Diastole %elseif A==22,anot.anntyp(i)='"'; %Comment annotation %elseif A==23,anot.anntyp(i)='='; %Measurement annotation %elseif A==24,anot.anntyp(i)='p'; %P-wave peak %elseif A==25,anot.anntyp(i)='B'; %Left or right bundle branch block %elseif A==26,anot.anntyp(i)='^'; %Non-conducted pacer spike %elseif A==27,anot.anntyp(i)='t'; %T-wave peak %elseif A==28,anot.anntyp(i)='+'; %Rythm change %elseif A==29,anot.anntyp(i)='u'; %U-wave peak %elseif A==30,anot.anntyp(i)='?'; %Learning %elseif A==31,anot.anntyp(i)='!'; %Ventricular flutter wave %elseif A==32,anot.anntyp(i)='['; %Start of ventricular flutter/fibrillation %elseif A==33,anot.anntyp(i)=']'; %End of ventricular flutter/fibrillation %elseif A==34,anot.anntyp(i)='e'; %Atrial escape beat %elseif A==35,anot.anntyp(i)='n'; %Supraventricular espace beat %elseif A==36,anot.anntyp(i)=''; %Not specified %elseif A==37,anot.anntyp(i)='x'; %Non-conducted P-wave (blocked APB) %elseif A==38,anot.anntyp(i)='f'; %Fusion of paced and normal beat %elseif A==39,anot.anntyp(i)='('; %Waveform onset %elseif A==40,anot.anntyp(i)=')'; %Waveform end %elseif A==41,anot.anntyp(i)='r'; %R-on-T premature ventricular contraction %end; % Fin de decodificacion de anotacion