MATLAB File Help: ann2rr View code for ann2rr WFDB Contents

function varargout=ann2rr(varargin)


    Wrapper to WFDB ANN2RR:

    Reads a WFDB record and Annotation file to return:

       Nx1 vector of integers representing the duration of the RR
       interval in samples.

       Nx1 vector of integers representing the begining of the RR
       interval in samples.

 Required Parameters:

       String specifying the name of the record in the WFDB path or
       in the current directory.

 annotator  -
       String specifying the name of the annotation file in the WFDB path or
       in the current directory.

 Optional Parameters are:

       A 1x1 integer specifying the sample number at which to stop reading the
       record file (default read all = N).
       A 1x1 integer specifying the sample number at which to start reading the
       annotion file (default 1 = begining of the record).

       A 1x1 boolean. If true, prints intervals between consecutive valid
       annotaions only (default =true).

 Written by Ikaro Silva, 2013
 Last Modified: January, 16, 2013
 Version 1.1

 Since 0.0.1