function varargout=bxb(varargin) % % report=bxb(recName,refAnn,testAnn,reportFile,beginTime,stopTime,matchWindow) % % Wrapper to WFDB BXB: % % % Creates a report file ("reportFile) using % ANSI/AAMI-standard beat-by-beat annotation comparator. % % Ouput Parameters: % % report (Optional) % Returns a structure containing information on the 'reportFile'. % This can be used to read report File that has been previously % generated by BXB (see Example 2 below), into the workspace. % The structure has the following fields: % -Numerical data matching the Algorithm table % report.textdata -Text data describing the Algorithm table % %Input Parameters: % recName % String specifying the WFDB record file. % % refAnn % String specifying the reference WFDB annotation file. % % testAnn % String specifying the test WFDB annotation file. % % reportFile % String representing the file at which the report will be % written to. % % beginTime (Optional) % String specifying the begin time in WFDB time format. The % WFDB time format is described at % % Default starts comparison after 5 minutes. % % stopTime (Optional) % String specifying the stop time in WFDB format (default is end of % record). % % matchWindow (Optional) % 1x1 WFDB Time specifying the match window size (default = 0.15 s). % % % Written by Ikaro Silva, 2013 % Last Modified: May 28, 2014 % Version 1.1 % Since 0.9.0 % % %Example (this will generate a /mitdb/100.qrs file at your directory): % %Compares SQRS detetor with the MITDB ATR annotations % % [refAnn]=rdann('mitdb/100','atr'); % sqrs('mitdb/100'); % [testAnn]=rdann('mitdb/100','qrs'); % report=bxb('mitdb/100','atr','qrs','bxbReport.txt') % % % %Example 2 - Load variables from a report file that has been previously % %generated % report=bxb([],[],[],'bxbReport.txt') % % % See also RDANN, MXM, WFDBTIME %endOfHelp persistent javaWfdbExec if(isempty(javaWfdbExec)) javaWfdbExec=getWfdbClass('bxb'); end %Set default pararamter values inputs={'recName','refAnn','testAnn','reportFile','beginTime','stopTime','matchWindow'}; recName=[]; refAnn=[]; testAnn=[]; reportFile=[]; beginTime=[]; stopTime=[]; matchWindow=[]; for n=1:nargin if(~isempty(varargin{n})) eval([inputs{n} '=varargin{n};']) end end if(~isempty(recName)) %Only execute this if recName is defined, otherwise we assume %that the user just want to load the 'reporFile' variable into the %workspace based on a previously generated 'reportFile' wfdb_argument={'-r',recName,'-a',refAnn,testAnn,'-S',reportFile,'-v'}; if(~isempty(beginTime)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-f'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=beginTime; end if(~isempty(stopTime)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-t'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=stopTime; end if(~isempty(matchWindow)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-w'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=matchWindow; end report=javaWfdbExec.execToStringList(wfdb_argument); end if(nargout>0) varargout{1}=bxbReader(reportFile); end function reportData = bxbReader(fileName) %load file reportData = importdata(fileName); %get rid of unimportant stuff,:) = []; reportData.textdata(end,:) = []; reportData.textdata(:,end) = [];