function [varargout]=mat2wfdb(varargin) % % [xbit]=mat2wfdb(X,fname,Fs,bit_res,adu,info,gain,sg_name,baseline,isquant, isdigital) % % Convert data from a matlab array into Physionet WFDB format file. % % Input Paramater are: % % X -(required) NxM matrix of M signals with N samples each. The % signals can be of type double.The signals are assumed to be % in physical units already and will be converted to % ADU. % fname -(required) String where the the header (*.hea) and data (*.dat) % files will be saved (one single name for both, with no sufix). % Fs -(Optional) 1x1 sampling frequency in Hz (all signals must have % been sampled at the same frquency). Default is 1 Hz. % bit_res -(Optional) 1xM (or Mx1):scalar determining the bit depth of the conversion for % each signal. % 1x1 : If all the signals should have the same bit depth % Options are: 8, 16, and 32 ( all are signed types). 16 is the default. % adu -(Optional) Describes the physical units (default is 'mV'). % Three input formats: % - String delimited by forward slashes (e.g. 'V/mV/mmHg'), with % M-1 slash characters % - Single string (e.g. 'V'), in which case all signals will % have the same physical units. % - Cell array of strings, where the total units entered has to equal M % (number of channels). % info -(Optional) String that will be added to the comment section of the header file. % For multi-lined comments, use a cell array of strings. Each % cell will be output on a new line. Note that comments in the % header file are automatically prefixed with a pound symbol (#) % gain -(Required for digital only) Scalar or Mx1 array of floats indicating the difference in sample values % that would be observed if a step of one physical unit occurred in the original % analog signal. If the 'isdigital' field is 1, this field is mandatory. Otherwise, % this field is ignored if present. % baseline -(Required for digital only) Mx1 array of integers that specifies the sample value for each channel % corresponding to 0 physical units. Not to be confused with 'ADC zero' which % is currently always taken and written as 0 in this function. If % the 'isdigital' field is 1, this field is mandatory. Otherwise, % this field is ignored if present. % sg_name -(Optional) Cell array of strings describing signal names. % % isquant -(Optional) Logical value (default=0). Use this option if the % input signal is already quantitized and you want to remove round-off % error by mapping the original values to integers prior to fixed % point conversion. This field is only used for input physical % signals. If 'isdigital' is set to 1, this field is ignored. % % isdigital -(Optional) Logical value (default=0). Specifies whether the input signal is % digital or physical (default). If it is digital, the signal values will be % directly written to the file without scaling. If the signal is physical, % the optimal gain and baseline will be calculated and used to digitize the signal % to write the WFDB file. This flag also decides the allowed % input combinations of the 'gain' and 'baseline' fields. % Digital signals must have both, and physical signals must have % neither (as the ideal values will be automatically calculated). % % Ouput Parameter: % % xbit -(Optional) NxM the quantitized signals that written to file (possible % rescaled if no gain was provided at input). Useful for comparing % and estimating quatitization error with the input double signal X % (see examples below). % % % NOTE: The signals can have different amplitudes, they will all be scaled to % a reference gain, with the scaling factor saved in the *.hea file. % %Written by Ikaro Silva 2010 %Modified by Louis Mayaud 2011, Alistair Johson 2016 % Version 1.0 % % Since 0.0.1 % See also wrsamp, wfdbdesc % %%%%%%%%%% Example 1 %%%%%%%%%%%% % % display('***This example will write a Ex1.dat and Ex1.hea file to your current directory!') % s=input('Hit "ctrl + c" to quit or "Enter" to continue!'); % % %Generate 3 different signals and convert them to signed 16 bit in WFDB format % clear all;clc;close all % N=1024; % Fs=48000; % tm=[0:1/Fs:(N-1)/Fs]'; % adu='V/mV/V'; % info='Example 1'; % % % %First signal a ramp with 2^16 unique levels and is set to (+-) 2^15 (Volts) % %Thus the header file should have one quant step equal to (2^15-(-2^15))/(2^16) V. % sig1=double(int16(linspace(-2^15,2^15,N)')); % % %Second signal is a sine wave with 2^8 unique levels and set to (+-) 1 (mV) % %Thus the header file should one quant step equal a (1--1)/(2^8) adu step % sig2=double(int8(sin(2*pi*tm*1000).*(2^7)))./(2^7); % % %Third signal is a random binary signal set to to (+-) 1 (V) with DC (to be discarded) % %Thus the header file should have one quant step equal a 1/(2^15) adu step. % sig3=(rand(N,1) > 0.97)*2 -1 + 2^16; % % %Concatenate all signals and convert to WFDB format with default 16 bits (empty brackets) % sig=[sig1 sig2 sig3]; % mat2wfdb(sig,'Ex1',Fs,[],adu,info) % % % %NOTE: If you have WFDB installed you can check the conversion by % % %uncomenting and this section and running (notice that all signals are scaled % % %to unit amplitude during conversion, with the header files keeping the gain info): % % % !rdsamp -r Ex1 > foo % % x=dlmread('foo'); % % subplot(211) % % plot(sig) % % subplot(212) % % plot(x(:,1),x(:,2));hold on;plot(x(:,1),x(:,3),'k');plot(x(:,1),x(:,4),'r') % %%%%%%%% End of Example 1%%%%%%%%% %endOfHelp machine_format='l'; % all wfdb formats are little endian except fmt 61 which this function does not support. Do NOT change this. skip=0; % Set default parameters params={'x','fname','Fs','bit_res','adu','info','gain','sg_name','baseline','isquant', 'isdigital'}; Fs=1; adu=[]; info=[]; isquant=0; isdigital=0; %Use cell array for baseline and gain in case of empty conditions baseline=[]; gain=[]; sg_name=[]; x=[]; fname=[]; %Used to convert signal from double to appropiate type bit_res = 16 ; bit_res_suport=[8 16 32]; for i=1:nargin if(~isempty(varargin{i})) eval([params{i} '= varargin{i};']) end end disp(isdigital) % Check valid gain and baseline combinations depending on whether the input is digital or physical. if isdigital % digital input signal if (isempty(gain) || isempty(baseline)) error('Input digital signals are directly written to files without scaling. Must also input gain and baseline for correct interpretation of written file.'); end if (~isempty(find(baseline>2147483647))||~isempty(find(baseline<-2147483648))) % baseline stored as int in wfdb library. error('Baseline field must lie between 2^-31 and 2^31-1 for this WFDB version'); % Prevent bit overflow end else % physical input signal if ( ~isempty(gain) || ~isempty(baseline)) % User inputs gain or baseline to map the physical to digital values. % Sorry, we cannot trust that they did it correctly... warning('Input gain and baseline fields ignored for physical input signal. This function automatically calculates and applies the ideal values'); end end switch bit_res % Write formats. case 8 fmt='80'; case 16 fmt='16'; case 32 fmt='32'; end [N,M]=size(x); if isempty(adu) % default unit: 'mV' adu=repmat({'mV'},[M 1]); elseif iscell(adu) % adu directly input as a cell array of strings elseif ischar(adu) if ~isempty(strfind(adu,'/')) adu=regexp(adu,'/','split'); else adu = repmat({adu},[M,1]); end end % ensure we have the right number of units if numel(adu) ~= M error('adu:wrongNumberOfElements','adu cell array has incorrect number of elements'); end if(isempty(gain)) gain=cell(M,1); %Generate empty cells as default elseif(length(gain)==1) gain=repmat(gain,[M 1]); end % ensure gain is a cell array if isnumeric(gain) gain=num2cell(gain); end if(isempty(sg_name)) sg_name=repmat({''},[M 1]); end if ~isempty(setdiff(bit_res,bit_res_suport)) error(['Bit res should be one of: ' num2str(bit_res_suport)]); end if(isempty(baseline)) baseline=cell(M,1); %Generate empty cells as default elseif(length(baseline)==1) baseline=repmat(baseline,[M 1]); end % ensure baseline is a cell array if isnumeric(baseline) baseline=num2cell(baseline); end if isempty(isquant) isquant = zeros(M,1); elseif numel(isquant)==1 isquant = repmat(isquant,[M,1]); elseif numel(isquant)~=M error('isquant:wrongNumberOfElements','isquant array has incorrect number of elements'); end %Head record specification line head_str=cell(M+1,1); head_str(1)={[fname ' ' num2str(M) ' ' num2str(Fs) ' ' num2str(N)]}; switch bit_res % Allocate space for digital signals case 8 y=uint8(zeros(N,M)); case 16 y=int16(zeros(N,M)); case 32 y=int32(zeros(N,M)); end %Loop through all signals, digitizing them and generating lines in header file for m=1:M nameArray = regexp(fname,'/','split'); if ~isempty(nameArray) fname = nameArray{end}; end [tmp_bit1,bit_gain,baseline_tmp,ck_sum]=quant(x(:,m), ... bit_res, gain{m}, baseline{m}, isquant(m), isdigital); y(:,m)=tmp_bit1; % Header file signal specification lines % Should we specify precision of num2str(gain)? head_str(m+1)={[fname '.dat ' fmt ' ' num2str(bit_gain) '(' ... num2str(baseline_tmp) ')/' adu{m} ' ' '0 0 ' num2str(tmp_bit1(1)) ' ' num2str(ck_sum) ' 0 ' sg_name{m}]}; end if(length(y)<1) error(['Converted data is empty. Exiting without saving file...']) end %Write *.dat file fid = fopen([fname '.dat'],'wb',machine_format); if(~fid) error(['Could not create data file for writing: ' fname]) end if (bit_res==8) count=fwrite(fid, y','uint8',skip,machine_format); else count=fwrite(fid, y',['int' num2str(bit_res)],skip,machine_format); end if(~count) fclose(fid); error(['Could not data write to file: ' fname]) end fprintf(['Generated *.dat file: ' fname '\n']) fclose(fid); %Write *.hea file fid = fopen([fname '.hea'],'w'); for m=1:M+1 if(~fid) error(['Could not create header file for writing: ' fname]) end fprintf(fid,'%s\n',head_str{m}); end if(~isempty(info)) if ischar(info) fprintf(fid,'#%s',info); elseif iscell(info) for m=1:numel(info) fprintf(fid,'#%s\n',info{m}); end end end if(nargout==1) varargout(1)={y}; end fprintf(['Generated *.hea file: ' fname '\n']) fclose(fid); end %%%End of Main %%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Helper function function [y,adc_gain,baseline,check_sum]=quant(x, bit_res, gain, baseline, isquant, isdigital) min_x=min(x(~isnan(x))); max_x=max(x(~isnan(x))); nan_ind=isnan(x); rg=max_x-min_x; if(isdigital) % Digital input signal. Do not scale or shift the signal. The gain/baseline will only % be used to write the header file to interpret the output wfdb record. if ((min_x < -2^(bit_res-1)+1) || (max_x > (2^(bit_res-1)-1 ))) error(['Digital input signal exceeds allowed range of specified output format: {' num2str(-2^(bit_res-1)+1) ' < x < ' num2str(2^(bit_res-1)-1) '}']); end adc_gain=gain; y=x; else % Physical input signal - calculate the gain and baseline to minimize % the detail loss during ADC conversion: y = gain*x + baseline. Ignore any input gain or baseline % Calculate the adc_gain, baseline, and map the signal to digital % Make sure baseline doesn't go beyond 4 byte integer range if rg==0 % Flatline signal. Manually set adc_gain or it will be infinite. baseline=-(2^(bit_res-1))+1; % Set baseline to minimum value of bit res if x(1)==0 adc_gain=1; % Arbitrary gain=1 for all 0 input signal. All values stored as baseline. else adc_gain=-baseline/x(1); % Set gain as inverse to store all values as exactly 0. end else % Non flatline signal: adc_gain = (range of encoding / range of Data) -- remember 1 quant level is for storing NaN % Constraint - baseline must be stored as a 4 byte integer for the WFDB library. if ((min_x>0) && (bit_res==32)) % All values are +ve, map with baseline = -2^31+1 adc_gain=((2^32)-2)/max_x; baseline=-2147483647; if isquant==0 % Only display warning message if not recalculating later disp('Due to baseline constraints, output precision may be slightly less than 32 bits for the positive channel.'); end elseif((max_x<0) && (bit_res==32)) % All values are -ve, map with baseline = 2^31-1 adc_gain=((2^32)-2)/abs(min_x); baseline=2147483647; if isquant==0 % Only display warning message if not recalculating later disp('Due to baseline constraints, output precision may be slightly less than 32 bits for the negative channel.'); end else % Signal has both +ve and -ve values or fmt is not 32. Use full range of bits. adc_gain=((2^bit_res)-2)/rg; baseline=round(-(2^(bit_res-1))+1-min_x*adc_gain); end if(isquant) % The (non flatline) input signal was already quantitized. Remove round-off error % by setting the original values to integers prior to fixed point conversion xvalues=sort(unique(x(~isnan(x)))); % All the values of x incmin=min(diff(xvalues)); % An estimate of the smallest possible increment in the input signal quantlevels=rg/incmin; % The estimated number of quantization levels in the input signal % We want to map 1 increment to 1 digital unit. First make sure % the full increment range is less than the 2^N-2 increments able to be encoded % by the chosen bit resolution. The incmin estimate will always % be equal to or larger than the true incmin, so it won't % wrongly trigger errors in this validation step. if (quantlevels>2^bit_res-2) if bit_res==32 disp(['The input signal has more quantization levels than 32 bits -1. ' ... 'Cannot directly map all input values to integers. Up to 1 bit of roundoff error may occur. Continuing...']); calcquant=0; % Skip the integer matching and keep the old baseline/gain calculated. else error(['The input signal has more quantization levels than the chosen bit resolution. ' ... 'Please choose a higher resolution or remove the isquant option to allow up to 1 bit of roundoff error']); end else calcquant=1; end % Calculate gain+offset. Baseline must be stored as a 4 byte integer for the WFDB library. if calcquant if ((min_x>0) && (bit_res==32)) % 32 bit +ve quant mapping adc_gain=1/incmin; baseline=round(2147483647-adc_gain*max_x); % map max_x to 2^31-1. if (baseline<-2147483647) % Check if baseline goes below -2^31-1. If so, no quant. Recalculate gain and base. adc_gain=((2^32)-2)/max_x; baseline=-2147483647; disp('Due to baseline constraints, the channel will not be quantized. Output precision may be less than 32 bits for the positive channel.'); end elseif((max_x<0) && (bit_res==32)) % 32 bit -ve quant mapping adc_gain=1/incmin; baseline=round(-2147483647-adc_gain*min_x); % map min_x to -2^31+1. if (baseline>2147483647) % Check if baseline goes above 2^31-1. If so, no quant. Recalculate gain and base. adc_gain=((2^32)-2)/abs(min_x); baseline=2147483647; disp('Due to baseline constraints, channel will not be quantized. Output precision may be less than 32 bits for the negative channel.'); end else % Signal has both +ve and -ve values or fmt is not 32. Can use full range of bits. adc_gain=1/incmin; % 1 digital unit corresponds to the smallest physical increment. baseline=round(-(2^(bit_res-1))+1-min_x*adc_gain); % xmin still maps to ymin. xmax will not go beyond y limit, baseline should not go beyond 32 bit limits. end end end % Check for 8 and 16 bit format 'baseline' field overflow. VERY % uncommon situation. Occurs if entire signal is +ve or -ve % with very high magnitude. if (baseline>2147483647) % Signal is all negative with large magnitude. warning('Large offset input channel entered. Output precision may be less than specified format for the negative channel.'); baseline=2147483647; % Baseline is max int value, min_x maps to min bitres value. adc_gain=(-(2^(bit_res-1))+1-baseline)/min_x; elseif (baseline<-2147483647) % Signal is all positive with large magnitude. warning('Large offset input channel entered. Output precision may be less than specified format for the positive channel.'); baseline=-2147483647; % Baseline is min int value, max_x maps to max bitres value. adc_gain=(2^(bit_res-1)-1-baseline)/max_x; end end y=x*adc_gain+baseline; end % signal is in digital range. adc_gain and baseline have been calculated. % Convert signals to appropriate integer type, and shift any WFDB NaN int values to % a higher value so that they will not be read as NaN's by WFDB switch bit_res % WFDB will interpret the smallest value as nan. case 8 WFDBNAN=-128; y=int8(y); case 16 WFDBNAN=-32768; y=int16(y); case 32 WFDBNAN=-2147483648; y=int32(y); end iswfdbnan=find(y==WFDBNAN); if(~isempty(iswfdbnan)) y(iswfdbnan)=WFDBNAN+1; end %Set original NaNs to WFDBNAN y(nan_ind)=WFDBNAN; %Calculate the 16-bit signed checksum of all samples in the signal check_sum=sum(y); M=check_sum/(2^15); if(M<0) check_sum=mod(check_sum,-2^15); if(~check_sum && abs(M)<1) check_sum=-2^15; elseif (mod(ceil(M),2)) check_sum=2^15 + check_sum; end else check_sum=mod(check_sum,2^15); if(mod(floor(M),2)) check_sum=-2^15+check_sum; end end % Note that checksum must be calculated on actual digital samples for format 80, % not the shifted ones. Therefore we only convert to real format now. if bit_res==8 y=uint8(int16(y)+128); % Convert into unsigned for writing byte offset format. end % Signal is ready to be written to dat file. end function y=get_names(str,deli) y={}; old=1; ind=regexp(str,deli); ind(end+1)=length(str)+1; for i=1:length(ind) y(end+1)={str(old:ind(i)-1)}; old=ind(i)+1; end end