function varargout=msentropy(varargin) % % [y,scale,info]=msentropy(x,dn,dm,dr,N,N0,minM,maxM,maxScale,minR,maxR) % % Wrapper to the Multiscale Entropy C code written by Madalena Costa ( % % % Calculates the multi scale entropy of a signal 'x'. A tutorial on Mulsticale % entropy is available at: % % % % Please cite these publications when referencing this material: % Costa M., Goldberger A.L., Peng C.-K. Multiscale entropy analysis of biological signals. Phys Rev E 2005;71:021906. % Costa M., Goldberger A.L., Peng C.-K. Multiscale entropy analysis of physiologic time series. Phys Rev Lett 2002; 89:062102. % % Also include the standard citation for PhysioNet: % Goldberger AL, Amaral LAN, Glass L, Hausdorff JM, Ivanov PCh, Mark RG, % Mietus JE, Moody GB, Peng C-K, Stanley HE. PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: components of a new research resource for complex physiologic signals. Circulation 101(23):e215-e220 [Circulation Electronic Pages;]; 2000 (June 13) % % Readers of may also wish to read: % Costa M, Peng C-K, Goldberger AL, Hausdorff JM. Multiscale entropy analysis of human gait dynamics. Physica A 2003;330:53-60. % % Required Parameters: % % x % Nx1 vector of doubles in which to caculate the multiscale entropy. % % Optional Parameters are: % dn % 1x1 double. Sets the scale increment to dn (1-40; default: 1). % dm % 1x1 double. Sets the m increment to dm (1-10; default: 1). % dr % 1x1 double. Sets the scale increment to dr (>0; default: 0.05). % N % 1x1 integer. Stop the analysis with row N. % By default, analysis ends at row 39999, or at the end of the data set if there are fewer rows. % N0 % 1x1 integer. Begin the analysis with row N0. % By default, analysis begins with row 1. % minM % 1x1 integer betwee 1-10. Set the minimum pattern length for SampEn to minN (1-10; default: 2). % maxM % 1x1 integer betwee 1-10. Set the maximum m to maxM (1-10; default: 2). % maxScale % 1x1 integer betwee 1-40. Set the maximum scale for coarse-graining to maxScale (1-40; default: 20). % minR % 1x1 double >0. Set the minimum similarity criterion for SampEn to minR (>0; default: 0.15). % maxR % 1x1 double > 0. Set the maximum m to maxR (>0; default: 0.15). % % % Outputs: % y % A 1xM vector of doubles corresponding to estimated sample entropies at each scale. % scale % A 1xM vector of integers specifying the scales in which 'y' was % estimated. % % info % An optional 3x1 cell array of strings providing loggin and verbose information from % the calculation. % % Wrapper written by Ikaro Silva, 2013 % Last Modified: March 20, 2014 % Version 0.0.1 % % Since 0.9.5 % % %Example % N=30000; % noise=randn(N,1); % maxScale=10; %[entropyNoise,scale1]=msentropy(noise,[],[],[],[],[],[],[],maxScale); % %Simulate determistic system with noise-like 2nd order statistics % nlinear=zeros(N,1);nlinear(1)=0.2;u=4; % for n=2:N;nlinear(n)=u*nlinear(n-1)*(1-nlinear(n-1));end %[entropyDeterm,scale2]=msentropy(nlinear,[],[],[],[],[],[],[],maxScale); %subplot(2,1,1); %plot(noise(1:1000));hold on;grid on;plot(nlinear(1:1000),'r');legend('Stochastic','Deterministic') %subplot(2,1,2); %plot(scale1,entropyNoise);hold on;grid on;plot(scale2,entropyDeterm,'r');legend('Stochastic','Deterministic') % % % See also SURROGATE, DFA, WFDBDESC, PHYSIONETDB, RDANN, ANN2RR, MAPRECORD %endOfHelp persistent javaWfdbExec config if(isempty(javaWfdbExec)) [javaWfdbExec,config]=getWfdbClass('mse'); end %Set default pararamter values inputs={'x','dn','dm','dr','N','N0','minM','maxM','maxScale','minR','maxR'}; outputs={'y','scale','info'}; dn=[]; dm=[]; dr=[]; N=[]; N0=[]; minM=[]; maxM=[]; maxScale=[]; minR=[]; maxR=[]; wfdb_argument={}; info=[]; scale=[]; y=[]; x=[]; for n=1:nargin if(~isempty(varargin{n})) eval([inputs{n} '=varargin{n};']) end end if(~isempty(dn)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-a'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=[num2str(dn)]; end if(~isempty(dm)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-b'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=[num2str(dm)]; end if(~isempty(dr)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-c'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=[num2str(dr)]; end if(~isempty(N0)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-i'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=[num2str(N0-1)]; end if(~isempty(N)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-I'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=[num2str(N-1)]; end if(~isempty(minM)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-m'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=[num2str(minM)]; end if(~isempty(maxM)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-M'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=[num2str(maxM)]; end if(~isempty(maxScale)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-n'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=[num2str(maxScale)]; end if(~isempty(minR)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-r'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=[num2str(minR)]; end if(~isempty(maxR)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-R'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=[num2str(maxR)]; end javaWfdbExec.setArguments(wfdb_argument); if(config.inOctave) x=cellstr(num2str(x)); x=java2mat(javaWfdbExec.execWithStandardInput(x)); Nx=x.size; out=cell(Nx,1); for n=1:Nx out{n}=x.get(n-1); end else out=cell(javaWfdbExec.execWithStandardInput(x).toArray); end M=length(out); if(M<4) error(['Error calculating MSE:' out{:}]) end info=out(1:3); out(1:4)=[]; M=M-4; scale=zeros(M,1)+NaN; y=zeros(M,1)+NaN; for m=1:M str=out{m}; sep=regexp(str,'\s'); scale(m)=str2num(str(1:sep)); y(m)=str2num(str(sep(1):sep(2))); end for n=1:nargout eval(['varargout{n}=' outputs{n} ';']) end