function varargout=physionetdb(varargin) % % db_list=physionetdb(db_name,DoBatchDownload,webBrowserFlag) % % % Lists all the available databases at PhysioNet % ( or list all available records in a database. % Users can read the signals (waveforms) or annotations (labels) using the WFDB % App Toolbox's functions such as RDSAMP. Options are % % Optional Input Parameters: % db_name % String specifying the datbase to query for available records. % If left empty (default) a list of available database names is % returned. NOTE: Some databases (such as 'mimic2db') have a huge % number of records so that querying the records in the database % can take a long time. % % DoBatchDownload % If 'db_name' is present, setting this flag to true % (DoBatchDownload=1), will download all records of the database % db_name to a subdirectory in the current directory called % 'db_name'. Default is false. Note: requires that the user have % write permission to the current directory. % % NOTE: This function currently does not perform any checksum in order % to verify that the files were dwnloaded properly. % % webBrowserFlag % Boolean. If true, displays database information in MATLAB's % web browser (default = 0). % % Output Parameters % db_list -(Optional) Cell array list of elements. If an output % is not provided, results are displayed to the screen. % The returned valued are either a list of database names to query % (if db_name is empty), or a list of available records that can % be read via RDSAMP (if db_name is a name of a valid database as % given by the return list when db_name is empty). % % Author: Ikaro Silva, 2013 % Since: 0.0.1 % Last Modified: April 8, 2015 % % % %Example 1 - List all available databases from PhysioNet into the screen % physionetdb % % %Example 2 - List all available databases from PhysioNet in web browser % physionetdb([],[],1) % % %Example 3- List all available records in the ucddb database. % db_list=physionetdb('ucddb') % % %Example 4- Download all records for database MITDB % physionetdb('mitdb',1); % % %Example 5- List all records for database MITDB on a web browser % physionetdb('mitdb',[],1); % %endOfHelp persistent isloaded config if(isempty(isloaded) || ~isloaded) %Add classes to path [isloaded,config]=wfdbloadlib; end %URL to PhysioBank database in PhysioNet PHYSIONET_URL=config.CACHE_SOURCE; inputs={'db_name','DoBatchDownload','webBrowser'}; db_name=[]; DoBatchDownload=0; webBrowser=0; for n=1:nargin if(~isempty(varargin{n})) eval([inputs{n} '=varargin{n};']) end end if(webBrowser && config.inOctave) error('Web browser option is not available in Octave.') end if(isempty(db_name)) list=javaMethod('main','org.physionet.wfdb.physiobank.PhysioNetDB'); if(nargout>0) db_list={}; for i=0:double(list.size)-1 db_list(end+1)={list.get(i).getDBInfo}; end varargout(1)={db_list}; else if(webBrowser) web([PHYSIONET_URL 'DBS']) else for i=0:double(list.size)-1 fprintf(char(list.get(i).getDBInfo)) fprintf('\n'); end end end else if(DoBatchDownload) display(['Making directory: ' db_name ' to store record files']) mkdir(db_name) end rec_list={}; if(webBrowser) web([PHYSIONET_URL 'pbi/' db_name]) else rec_list=deblank(urlread([PHYSIONET_URL db_name '/RECORDS'])); rec_list=regexp(rec_list,'\s','split'); Nstr=length(rec_list); for i=1:Nstr if(DoBatchDownload) recName=rec_list{i}; display(['Downloading record (' num2str(i+1) ' / ' Nstr ') : ' recName]) [success,files_saved]=wfdbdownload([db_name '/' recName]); end end end if(nargout>0) varargout(1)={rec_list}; end end