function [varargout]=wfdbloadlib(varargin) % % [isloaded,config]=wfdbloadlib(debugLevel,networkWaitTime) % % Loads the WDFDB libarary if it has not been loaded already into the % MATLAB classpath. And optionally prints configuration environment and debug information % regarding the settings used by the classes in the JAR file. % % Inputs: % % debugLevel % (Optional) 1x1 integer between 0 and 5 represeting the level of debug information to output from % Java class when output configuration information. Level 0 (no debug information), % level =5 is maximum level of information output by the class (logger set to finest). Default is level 0. % % networkWaitTime % (Optional) 1x1 integer representing the longest time in % milliseconds for which the JVM should wait for a data stream from % PhysioNet (default is =1000 , ie one second). If you need to change this time to a % longer value across the entire toolbox, it is better modify to default value in the source % code below and restart MATLAB. % % % Written by Ikaro Silva, 2013 % Last Modified: April 7, 2015 % Since 0.0.1 % % %endOfHelp mlock persistent isloaded wfdb_path wfdb_native_path config %%%%% SYSTEM WIDE CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS %%%%%%% %%% Change these values for system wide configuration of the WFDB binaries %If you are using your own custom version of the WFDB binaries, set this to true %NOTE: this parameter is completely ignored if the 'WFDB_COMMAND_PATH' parameter %described above is set (i.e.: the library will used the WFDB commands located % according to the path in 'WFDB_COMMAND_PATH'). %You will need to restart MATLAB/Octave if to sync the changes. %The default is to used commands shipped with the toolbox, this location can be obtained by running the command: %[~,config]=wfdbloadlib; config.WFDB_NATIVE_BIN WFDB_CUSTOMLIB=0; %WFDB_PATH: If empty, will use the default given config.WFDB_PATH %this is where the toolbox searches for data files (*.dat, *.hea etc). %When unistalling the toolbox, you may wish to clear this directory to save space. %See for more details. WFDB_PATH=[]; %WFDBCAL: If empty, will use the default giveng confing.WFDBCAL %The WFDB library require calibration data in order to convert between sample values %(expressed in analog-to-digital converter units, or adus) and physical units. %See for more details. WFDBCAL=[]; %CACHE: If CACHE==1, the toolbox will attemp to download data from %CACHE_SOURCE to CACHE_DEST if the record is not found no the standard %WFDB PATH. Change CACHE_DEST path to a PhysioNet mirror, if you wish to %use a server closer to your geographical location. It is safe to delete files on %CACHE_SOURCE, as they can be re-downloaded if need me. CACHE=1; %Default is to use the cache system CACHE_SOURCE=[]; %If empty, defaults to last element of WFDB_PATH CACHE_DEST=[]; %If empty, defaults to WFDB_JAVA_HOME/../database %debugLevel: Ouput JVM information while running commands debugLevel=0; %networkWaitTime: Setting maximum waiting period for fetching data from %PhysioNet servers (default location: networkWaitTime=1000; %%%% END OF SYSTEM WIDE CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS inputs={'debugLevel','networkWaitTime'}; for n=1:nargin if(~isempty(varargin{n})) eval([inputs{n} '=varargin{n};']) end end inOctave=is_octave; fsep=filesep; if(ispc && inOctave) fsep=['\\']; %Need to escape '\' for regexp in Octave and Windows end if(isempty(isloaded)) jar_path=which('wfdbloadlib'); cut=strfind(jar_path,'wfdbloadlib.m'); wfdb_path=jar_path(1:cut-1); if(~inOctave) ml_jar_version=version('-java'); else %In Octave ml_jar_version=javaMethod('getProperty','java.lang.System','java.version'); ml_jar_version=['Java ' ml_jar_version]; end %Check if path has not been added yet wfdb_path=[wfdb_path 'wfdb-app-JVM7-0-10-0.jar']; javaaddpath(wfdb_path) isloaded=1; %Check if there are any empty space on the path directory, and %issue a warning if there is warnMe=strfind(wfdb_path,' '); if(~isempty(warnMe)) warning('Your WFDB Toolbox installation path contain white spaces!! This may cause issues with the WFDB Toolbox!') warning(['The installation path is set to: ' wfdb_path]) end end %set configuration if(isempty(config)) config.MATLAB_VERSION=version; config.inOctave=inOctave; if(inOctave) javaWfdbExec=javaObject('org.physionet.wfdb.Wfdbexec','wfdb-config',WFDB_CUSTOMLIB); javaWfdbExec.setLogLevel(debugLevel); config.WFDB_VERSION=char(javaMethod('execToStringList',javaWfdbExec,{'--version'})); else javaWfdbExec=org.physionet.wfdb.Wfdbexec('wfdb-config',WFDB_CUSTOMLIB); javaWfdbExec.setLogLevel(debugLevel); config.WFDB_VERSION=char(javaWfdbExec.execToStringList('--version')); end env=regexp(char(javaWfdbExec.getEnvironment),',','split'); for e=1:length(env) tmpstr=regexp(env{e},'=','split'); varname=strrep(tmpstr{1},'[',''); varname=strrep(varname,' ',''); varname=strrep(varname,']',''); eval(['config.' varname '=''' tmpstr{2} ''';']) end config.MATLAB_PATH=strrep(which('wfdbloadlib'),'wfdbloadlib.m',''); wver=regexp(wfdb_path,fsep,'split'); config.WFDB_JAVA_VERSION=wver{end}; config.DEBUG_LEVEL=debugLevel; config.NETWORK_WAIT_TIME=networkWaitTime; config.MATLAB_ARCH=computer('arch'); %Remove empty spaces from arch name del=strfind(config.osName,' '); config.osName(del)=[]; %Define WFDB Environment variables if(isempty(WFDB_PATH)) tmpCache=[config.MATLAB_PATH '..' filesep 'database' filesep]; WFDB_PATH=['. ' tmpCache '']; end if(isempty(WFDBCAL)) WFDBCAL=[config.WFDB_JAVA_HOME fsep 'database' fsep 'wfdbcal']; end config.WFDB_PATH=WFDB_PATH; config.WFDBCAL=WFDBCAL; config.WFDB_CUSTOMLIB=WFDB_CUSTOMLIB; warnMe=strfind(wfdb_path,' '); if(~isempty(warnMe)) warning('Your WFDB Toolbox installation path contain white spaces!! This may cause issues with the WFDB Toolbox!') end %Set CACHE configurations if(isempty(CACHE_SOURCE) && CACHE) ind=strfind(config.WFDB_PATH,'http'); if(~isempty(ind)) CACHE_SOURCE=config.WFDB_PATH(ind:end); else warning(['Could not set CACHE, CACHE_SOURCE invalid']) CACHE=0; end end config.CACHE_SOURCE=CACHE_SOURCE; if(isempty(CACHE_DEST) && CACHE) CACHE_DEST=[config.MATLAB_PATH '..' filesep 'database' filesep]; if(~isdir(CACHE_DEST)) mkdir(CACHE_DEST); end if(~isdir(CACHE_DEST)) warning(['Could not set CACHE, CACHE_DEST directory does not exist: ' CACHE_DEST]) CACHE=0; end end config.CACHE_DEST=CACHE_DEST; config.CACHE=CACHE; %Set enviroment variables used by WFBD setenv('WFDB',config.WFDB_PATH); setenv('WFDBCAL',config.WFDBCAL); end outputs={'isloaded','config'}; for n=1:nargout eval(['varargout{n}=' outputs{n} ';']) end %% subfunction that checks if we are in octave function r = is_octave () r = exist ('OCTAVE_VERSION', 'builtin')>0;