function wfdbtest(varargin) %This script will test the installation of the WFDB Application Toolbox % % Written by Ikaro Silva, 2013 % % Last Modified: October 15, 2014 % % Version 1.2 % Since 0.0.1 % % See also wfdb, rdsamp %endOfHelp inputs={'verbose'}; verbose=1; for n=1:nargin if(~isempty(varargin{n})) eval([inputs{n} '=varargin{n};']) end end if(verbose) fprintf('***Starting test of the WFDB Application Toolbox\n') fprintf('***If you experience any issues, please see our FAQ at:\n') fprintf('\n') end if(usejava('jvm') ) ROOT=[matlabroot filesep 'sys' filesep 'java' filesep 'jre' filesep]; JVM_PATH=dir([ROOT '*']); rm_fl=[]; for i=1:length(JVM_PATH) if(~JVM_PATH(i).isdir || strcmp(JVM_PATH(i).name,'.')|| strcmp(JVM_PATH(i).name,'..')) rm_fl(end+1)=i; end end JVM_PATH(rm_fl)=[]; if(~isempty(JVM_PATH)) if(ispc) %Use quotes to escape white space in Windows JVM_PATH=['"' ROOT filesep 'jre' filesep 'bin' filesep '"java']; else JVM_PATH=[ROOT filesep 'jre' filesep 'bin' filesep 'java']; end else warning(['Could not find Java runtime environment!!']); end else warning('MATLAB JVM is not properly configured for toolbox') end %Print Configuration settings if(verbose) fprintf('**Printing Configuration Settings:\n') end wfdbpath=which('wfdbloadlib'); if(verbose) fprintf('**\tWFDB App Toolbox Path is:\n'); fprintf('\t\t%s\n',wfdbpath); end [isloaded,config]=wfdbloadlib; nsm=fieldnames(config); if(verbose) config end %Print warning with respect to any unsupported component if(isempty(strfind(config.MATLAB_VERSION,'2014')) && ~config.inOctave) warning(['You are using an unsupported version of MATLAB: ' config.MATLAB_VERSION]) end if(~isempty(regexp(config.osName,'macosx','once')) && isempty(regexp(config.OSVersion,'10.9','once'))) warning(['You are using an unsupported Mac OS : ' config.MATLAB_VERSION]) warning(['The WFDB Toolbox is only supported on Mac OS X 10.9']) end cur_dir=pwd; os_dir=findstr(config.WFDB_NATIVE_BIN,filesep); os_dir=config.WFDB_NATIVE_BIN(os_dir(end-1)+1:end-1); sampleLength=10000; cur_dir=pwd; data_dir=[config.MATLAB_PATH]; %Simple queries to PhysioNet servers %loaded properly. This should work regardless of the libcurl installation if(verbose) fprintf('**Querying PhysioNet for available databases...\n') end db_list=physionetdb; db_size=length(db_list); if(verbose) fprintf(['\t' num2str(db_size) ... ' databases available for download (type ''help physionetdb'' for more info).\n']) end %Test ability to read local data and annotations if(verbose) fprintf('**Reading local example data and annotation...\n') end sampleLength=10000; cur_dir=pwd; data_dir=[config.MATLAB_PATH filesep 'example' filesep]; fname='a01'; try cd(data_dir) [signal,Fs,tm]=rdsamp(fname,[],sampleLength); if(length(tm) ~= sampleLength) warning( ['Incomplete data! tm is ' num2str(length(tm)) ', expected: ' num2str(sampleLength)]); end catch cd(cur_dir) if(strfind(lasterr,'Undefined function')) if(verbose) fprintf(['ERROR!!! Toolbox is not on the MATLAB path. Add it to MATLAB path by typing:\n ']); display(['addpath(''' cur_dir ''')']); end end str=['cd(' data_dir ');[signal,Fs,tm]=rdsamp(' fname ',[],' num2str(sampleLength) ');']; if(verbose) warning(['Failed running: ' str]); end end cd(cur_dir) try cd(data_dir) [ann]=rdann(fname,'fqrs',[],sampleLength); if(isempty(ann)) warning('Annotations are empty.'); end catch cd(cur_dir) warning(lasterr); end cd(cur_dir) %Test 4- Test ability to write local annotations if(verbose) fprintf('**Calculating maternal QRS sample data ...\n') end try cd(data_dir) wqrs(fname,[],[],1) [Mann]=rdann(fname,'wqrs',[],sampleLength); %Remove the generated annotation file delete([data_dir filesep 'a01.wqrs']); if(isempty(Mann)) warning('Annotations are empty.'); end catch cd(cur_dir) if(verbose) warning(lasterr); end end cd(cur_dir) %Test ability to read records from PhysioNet servers if(verbose) fprintf('**Reading data from PhysioNet...\n') end sampleLength=10; try %Check if record does not exist already in current directory recExist=[]; try recExist=dir(['mghdb' filesep 'mgh001']); catch %Record does not exist, go on end if(~isempty(recExist)) warning('Cannot test because record already exists in current directory. Delete record and repeat.') end [signal]=rdsamp('mghdb/mgh001',[1],sampleLength); if(length(signal) ~= sampleLength) warning( ['Incomplete data! tm is ' num2str(length(signal)) ', expected: ' num2str(sampleLength)]); end catch if(verbose) warning(lasterr); end end if(verbose) fprintf('***Finished testing WFDB App Toolbox!\n') fprintf(['***Note: You currently have access to ' num2str(db_size) ... ' databases for download via PhysioNet:\n\t Type ''physionetdb'' for a list of the databases or ''help physionetdb'' for more info.\n']) end