function varargout=wfdbtime(varargin) % % [timeStamp,dateStamp]=wfdbtime(recordName,samples) % % Wrapper to WFDB WFDBTIME: % % % Converts sample indices from recordName into timeStamp and dateStamps. % Returns: % % timesStamp % Nx1 vector of cell Strings representing times stamps with respect to the % first sample in recordName. % % dateStamp % Nx1 vector of cell Strings representing date stamps with respect to the % first sample in recordName. % % % Required Parameters: % % recorName % String specifying the name of the record in the WFDB path or % in the current directory. % % samples % Nx1 vector of integers (indices) of samples from the signal in recordName (indices are % relative to the first sample). % % %%Example %[timeStamp,dateStamp]=wfdbtime('challenge/2013/set-a/a01',[1 10 30]') % % % % Written by Ikaro Silva, 2013 % Last Modified: March 24, 2014 % Version 1.1 % Since 0.0.1 % % See also RDANN, WFDBDESC % %endOfHelp persistent javaWfdbExec config if(isempty(javaWfdbExec)) [javaWfdbExec,config]=getWfdbClass('wfdbtime'); end %Set default pararamter values inputs={'recordName','samples'}; outputs={'timeStamp','dateStamp'}; for n=1:nargin if(~isempty(varargin{n})) eval([inputs{n} '=varargin{n};']) end end %Convert all the annoation to strings and send them as arguments %TODO: maybe send ast STDIN ? N=length(samples); timeStamp=cell(N,1); dateStamp=cell(N,1); wfdb_argument=cell(N+2,1); wfdb_argument{1}='-r'; wfdb_argument{2}=recordName; samples=num2str(samples(:)); for n=1:N wfdb_argument{n+2}=['s' samples(n,:)]; end data=javaWfdbExec.execToStringList(wfdb_argument).toArray; if(config.inOctave) tmpData=data; data=cell(N,1); for i=1:N data(i)=char(tmpData(i)); end clear tmpData; end for n=1:length(data) str=regexp(data(n,1),'\s+','split'); if(config.inOctave) str=str{:}; end timeStamp(n)=str(3); dateStamp(n)=str(4); end for n=1:nargout eval(['varargout{n}=' outputs{n} ';']) end