function varargout=wrsamp(varargin) % % wrsamp(tm,data,fileName,Fs,gain,format) % % Wrapper to WFDB WRSAMP: % % % Writes data into a WFDB compatible *.dat and *.hea files. The files will be saved at % the current directory (if the record is in the current directory) or, if a using % a PhysioNet web record , a subdirectory in the current directory, with % the relative path determined by recordName. You can use RDSAMP to % verify that the write was completed successfully (see example below). For % detailed information on the parameters described below, please see: % % % % % LIMITATIONS: % The input variables 'tm' and 'data' should be integer values. % Currently the MATLAB/Octave wrappers do take into account Baseline values. % Signals that have baseline values will not be converted properly to physical units. % You will have to edit the generated header files manually to include baseline variables and update the checksums. % % % Required Parameters: % % tm % Nx1 vector of integers representing sample index. % % data % NxM vector of integers (M channels) that will be written to file. % % fileName % % String specifying the file name. WRSAMP will write the signal file in % the current directory as "fileName.dat", and create a header file in the % current directory "fileName.hea" for the specified record. % % Optional Parameters: % % Fs % A 1x1 double specifying the sampling frequency (in samples per second per % signal) for the output signals (default: 250). It affects the output header % file only. This option has no effect on the output signal file, which % contains one sample per signal for each line of input. % % gain % A 1x1 or Mx1 vector of doubles specifying gain value in A/D units per millivolt % for the output signals (default: 200). This option the output header file only. % This option has no effect on the output signal file. % % format % String specifying the signal's default format (default: "16"). For % information on the available WFDB formats please see: % % %%Example- %%Read signal in raw units %[signal,Fs,tm]=rdsamp('challenge/2013/set-a/a01',[],[],[],4); %[siginfo,Fs]=wfdbdesc('challenge/2013/set-a/a01'); %%Write a copy to file %wrsamp(tm,signal(:,1),'a01Copy',Fs(1),200,siginfo(1).Format) %%Check that the signals match %[signalCopy,Fs,tm]=rdsamp('a01Copy',[],[],[],4); %err=sum(signalCopy ~= signal(:,1)) % % % Written by Ikaro Silva, 2013 % Last Modified: April 10, 2015 % Since 0.0.1 % % % See also rdsamp, wfdbdesc, mat2wfdb % %endOfHelp persistent javaWfdbExec if(isempty(javaWfdbExec)) javaWfdbExec=getWfdbClass('wrsamp'); end %Set default pararamter values inputs={'tm','data','fileName','Fs','gain','format'}; Fs=[]; gain=[]; format=[]; for n=1:nargin if(~isempty(varargin{n})) eval([inputs{n} '=varargin{n};']) end end wfdb_argument={'-c','-z','-o',fileName}; if(~isempty(Fs)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-F'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=num2str(Fs); end if(~isempty(gain)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-G'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=num2str(gain); end if(~isempty(format)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-O'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=format; end del=repmat([' '],size(tm)); data=[num2str(tm) del num2str(data)]; javaWfdbExec.setArguments(wfdb_argument); javaWfdbExec.execWithStandardInput(cellstr(data));