% Matlab files for reading ECG data in format 212 and annotation files from Physionet % Version 1 1-June-2000 % % Contents.m - this file % % example.m - example of reading a header, ECG data and annotation files % % readheader.m - function to read the header information % % rdsign212.m - help file with syntax of binary mex file % rdsign212.c - C source file of MEX file to read binary data in format 212 % rdsign212.mexsol - Binary MEX file of rdsign212.c for Solaris % rdsign212.mexlx - Binary MEX file of rdsign212.c for Linux % rdsign212.dll - Binary MEX file of rdsign212.c for Windows 32 % % readannot.m - help file with syntax of binary mex file % readannot.c - C source file of MEX file to read annotation files % readannot.mexsol - Binary MEX file of readannot.c for Solaris % readannot.mexlx - Binary MEX file of readannot.c for Linux % readannot.dll - Binary MEX file of readannot.c for Windows 32