The new PhysioNet website is available at
These data sets are described in
Dawoud F, Wagner GS, Moody G, Horacek BM. Using inverse electrocardiography to image myocardial infarction--reflecting on the 2007 PhysioNet/Computers in Cardiology Challenge. J Electocardiol 41(6):630-5 (2008 Nov-Dec). (PMID:18954610)
Please cite this publication when referencing this material, and also include the standard citation for PhysioNet:
Goldberger AL, Amaral LAN, Glass L, Hausdorff JM, Ivanov PCh, Mark RG, Mietus JE, Moody GB, Peng C-K, Stanley HE. PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a New Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals. Circulation 101(23):e215-e220 [Circulation Electronic Pages;]; 2000 (June 13).
Format | ReadMe File with data format information (ASCII) |
Geometry | Electrode Location 120 Leads |
Torso 352 Nodes | |
FAC , MAT , PTS (3 files) for use with MAP3D | |
Case 1 | Data File (ASCII) |
12 standard leads and XYZ | |
Plots of 123 recorded leads | |
Plots of QRS for 12 standard leads | |
Plots of Q-T for 12 standard leads | |
Plots of XYZ | |
ZIP file containing DICOM images 26 MB | |
MATLAB file for use with MAP3D 500 KB (Use command "map3d -f daltorso.fac -p case0001_dat.mat") |
Case 2 | Data File (ASCII) |
12 standard leads and XYZ | |
Plots of 123 recorded leads | |
Plots of QRS for 12 standard leads | |
Plots of Q-T for 12 standard leads | |
Plots of XYZ | |
ZIP file containing DICOM images 27 MB | |
MATLAB file for use with MAP3D 300 KB (Use command "map3d -f daltorso.fac -p case0002_dat.mat") |
Case 3 | Data File (ASCII) |
12 standard leads and XYZ | |
Plots of 123 recorded leads | |
Plots of QRS for 12 standard leads | |
Plots of Q-T for 12 standard leads | |
Plots of XYZ | |
ZIP file containing DICOM images 3 MB | |
ZIP file containing DICOM images of Torso 10 MB | |
MATLAB file for use with MAP3D 400 KB (Use command "map3d -f daltorso.fac -p case0003_dat.mat") |
PTS (3 files)
customized heart geometry for use with MAP3D PTS file for 120 leads for customized torso PTS file for 352 nodes for customized torso visualization of torso and heart geometry (left, front, right JPEG images) |
Detailed heart, lung, and torso geometry, including long-axis LV model | |
Case 4 | Data File (ASCII) |
12 standard leads and XYZ | |
Plots of 123 recorded leads | |
Plots of QRS for 12 standard leads | |
Plots of Q-T for 12 standard leads | |
Plots of XYZ | |
ZIP file containing DICOM images 3 MB | |
MATLAB file for use with MAP3D 400 KB (Use command "map3d -f daltorso.fac -p case0004_dat.mat") |
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