VOICED (VOice ICar fEDerico II) database

The new PhysioNet website is available at https://physionet.org.

When referencing this database, please cite:

U. Cesari, G. De Pietro, E. Marciano, C. Niri, G. Sannino, and L. Verde. A new database of healthy and pathological voices. Computers & Electrical Engineering, vol. 68, pp. 310-321, 5 2018.

Please also include the standard citation for PhysioNet:

Goldberger AL, Amaral LAN, Glass L, Hausdorff JM, Ivanov PCh, Mark RG, Mietus JE, Moody GB, Peng C-K, Stanley HE. PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a New Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals. Circulation 101(23):e215-e220 [Circulation Electronic Pages; http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/101/23/e215]; 2000 (June 13).


This database includes 208 voice samples, from 150 pathological, and 58 healthy voices.

Data Collection

The healthy voices or the presence of each vocal fold's disorders were clinically verified by the medical experts involved in the project. All diagnoses were made according to indications of the SIFEL protocol, a clinical protocol compiled by the Italian Society of Phoniatrics and Logopaedics. The database includes information such as gender, age, pathology, lifestyle habits (e.g. smoking, alcohol and coffee consummation), occupational status, and the results of two specific medical questionnaires: the Voice Handicap Index (VHI) and Reflux Symptom Index (RSI).

The medical phonatric examinations, the voice signal acquisitions, and the completion of the medical questionnaires were performed at the ambulatories of Phoniatrics and Videolaryngoscopy of the Hospital University of Naples "Federico II", or at the medical room of the "Institute of High Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR-CNR)". The study started on May 16, 2016 and ended on May 15, 2017.

The acquired signals consists of a recording of a vocalization of the vowel 'a' five seconds in length without any interruption of sound. All samples were recorded in a quiet (< 30 dB of background noise) and not too dry (humidity greater than 30-40%) room. The voice recordings were made using an appropriate m-health system, Vox4Health, able to acquire in real time the voice signal by using the microphone of a mobile device. This system was installed on a Samsung Galaxy S4, Android version 5.0.1. It was held at a distance of about 20 cm from the patient at an angle of about 45 degrees. All recordings were sampled at 8000 Hz and their resolution was 32-bit. Additionally, each recording was filltered with an appropriate filter to remove any noise accidentally added during the acquisition. The participants were instructed to articulate the vocal sample, with a constant voice intensity, as they would during a normal conversation. For each subject certain training tests were performed about two/three times before the recording.

Subjects involved in the study had to be adults aged between 18 and 70 years and able to follow several phases expected in the process. While people aged under 18 and over 70, or with diseases such as folds or upper respiratory tract infections or with neurological disorders were excluded.


The voice recordings are provided in WFDB format and text format. In addition, the info text files describe the demographics of subjects.

Database Creators

The VOICED (VOice ICar fEDerico II) Database was created by: Ugo Cesari (1), Giuseppe De Pietro (2), Elio Marciano (3), Ciro Niri (4), Giovanna Sannino (2), Laura Verde (5).

  1. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Universityy Hospital (Policlinico) Federico II of Naples, Via S.Pansini, 5 - Naples,Italy
  2. Institute of High Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR-CNR), Via Pietro Castellino, 111-Naples, Italy.
  3. Area of Audiology, Department of Neurosciences, Reproductive and Odontostomatological Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Via S.Pansini, 5-Naples, Italy
  4. Independent Doctor Surgeon Specialized in Audiology and Phoniatrics
  5. Department of Engineering, University of Naples Parthenope, Centro Direzionale di Napoli, Isola C4 - Naples,Italy


  1. Laura Verde
  2. Giovanna Sannino
Icon  Name                    Last modified      Size  Description
[PARENTDIR] Parent Directory - [   ] DOI 2018-08-29 16:44 19 [   ] MD5SUMS 2018-08-30 16:38 39K [   ] RECORDS 2018-10-19 18:50 1.8K list of record names [   ] SHA1SUMS 2018-08-30 16:38 46K [   ] SHA256SUMS 2018-08-30 16:38 65K [TXT] voice001-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 781 [   ] voice001.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice001.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice001.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice002-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 779 [   ] voice002.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice002.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice002.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice003-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 798 [   ] voice003.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice003.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 176 header file [TXT] voice003.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice004-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 783 [   ] voice004.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice004.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 176 header file [TXT] voice004.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice005-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 777 [   ] voice005.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice005.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice005.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice006-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 777 [   ] voice006.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice006.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice006.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice007-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 795 [   ] voice007.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice007.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice007.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice008-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 781 [   ] voice008.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice008.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice008.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice009-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 803 [   ] voice009.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice009.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice009.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice010-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 777 [   ] voice010.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice010.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice010.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice011-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 771 [   ] voice011.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice011.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 171 header file [TXT] voice011.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice012-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 777 [   ] voice012.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice012.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice012.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice013-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 758 [   ] voice013.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice013.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 171 header file [TXT] voice013.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice014-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 784 [   ] voice014.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice014.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice014.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice015-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 772 [   ] voice015.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice015.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice015.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice016-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 772 [   ] voice016.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice016.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 176 header file [TXT] voice016.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice017-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 785 [   ] voice017.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice017.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice017.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice018-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 775 [   ] voice018.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice018.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 171 header file [TXT] voice018.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice019-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 751 [   ] voice019.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice019.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 160 header file [TXT] voice019.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice020-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 779 [   ] voice020.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice020.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice020.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice021-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 763 [   ] voice021.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice021.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice021.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 395K [TXT] voice022-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 759 [   ] voice022.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice022.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice022.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice023-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 764 [   ] voice023.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice023.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice023.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice024-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 772 [   ] voice024.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice024.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 161 header file [TXT] voice024.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice025-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 775 [   ] voice025.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 150K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice025.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice025.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice026-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 770 [   ] voice026.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 150K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice026.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice026.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 397K [TXT] voice027-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 760 [   ] voice027.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice027.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 169 header file [TXT] voice027.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice028-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 765 [   ] voice028.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice028.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice028.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 388K [TXT] voice029-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 774 [   ] voice029.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice029.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice029.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice030-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 776 [   ] voice030.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice030.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice030.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice031-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 782 [   ] voice031.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice031.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 168 header file [TXT] voice031.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice032-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 770 [   ] voice032.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice032.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 161 header file [TXT] voice032.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 395K [TXT] voice033-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 773 [   ] voice033.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice033.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice033.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice034-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 766 [   ] voice034.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice034.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice034.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice035-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 771 [   ] voice035.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice035.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 171 header file [TXT] voice035.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice036-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 766 [   ] voice036.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice036.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice036.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 385K [TXT] voice037-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 770 [   ] voice037.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice037.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 169 header file [TXT] voice037.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 395K [TXT] voice038-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 767 [   ] voice038.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice038.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice038.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice039-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 784 [   ] voice039.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice039.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice039.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice040-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 755 [   ] voice040.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice040.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 160 header file [TXT] voice040.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice041-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 779 [   ] voice041.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice041.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 169 header file [TXT] voice041.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice042-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 757 [   ] voice042.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice042.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 169 header file [TXT] voice042.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice043-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 763 [   ] voice043.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice043.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice043.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice044-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 769 [   ] voice044.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice044.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice044.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice045-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 764 [   ] voice045.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice045.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 160 header file [TXT] voice045.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice046-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 774 [   ] voice046.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice046.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 171 header file [TXT] voice046.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice047-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 781 [   ] voice047.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice047.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice047.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice048-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 778 [   ] voice048.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice048.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice048.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice049-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 774 [   ] voice049.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice049.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 161 header file [TXT] voice049.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice050-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 791 [   ] voice050.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice050.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice050.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice051-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 785 [   ] voice051.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice051.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 160 header file [TXT] voice051.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice052-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 763 [   ] voice052.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice052.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice052.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice053-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 778 [   ] voice053.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice053.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 169 header file [TXT] voice053.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 388K [TXT] voice054-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 772 [   ] voice054.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice054.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice054.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 396K [TXT] voice055-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 772 [   ] voice055.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice055.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 176 header file [TXT] voice055.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 395K [TXT] voice056-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 768 [   ] voice056.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice056.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice056.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice057-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 768 [   ] voice057.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice057.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice057.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 395K [TXT] voice058-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 769 [   ] voice058.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice058.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice058.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice059-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 780 [   ] voice059.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice059.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice059.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice060-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 756 [   ] voice060.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice060.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice060.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice061-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 781 [   ] voice061.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice061.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice061.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice062-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 763 [   ] voice062.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice062.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 169 header file [TXT] voice062.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice063-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 774 [   ] voice063.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice063.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 169 header file [TXT] voice063.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice064-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 789 [   ] voice064.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice064.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice064.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice065-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 768 [   ] voice065.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice065.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 169 header file [TXT] voice065.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice066-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 775 [   ] voice066.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice066.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 168 header file [TXT] voice066.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice067-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 771 [   ] voice067.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice067.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice067.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice068-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 773 [   ] voice068.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice068.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice068.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice069-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 763 [   ] voice069.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice069.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice069.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 398K [TXT] voice070-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 757 [   ] voice070.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice070.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice070.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 388K [TXT] voice071-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 763 [   ] voice071.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice071.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 169 header file [TXT] voice071.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice072-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 801 [   ] voice072.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice072.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice072.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice073-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 778 [   ] voice073.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice073.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 169 header file [TXT] voice073.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice074-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 766 [   ] voice074.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice074.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice074.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 395K [TXT] voice075-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 769 [   ] voice075.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice075.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice075.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice076-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 774 [   ] voice076.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice076.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice076.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice077-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 760 [   ] voice077.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice077.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice077.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice078-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 774 [   ] voice078.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice078.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice078.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice079-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 788 [   ] voice079.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice079.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice079.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice080-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 814 [   ] voice080.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice080.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice080.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 395K [TXT] voice081-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 775 [   ] voice081.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice081.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 166 header file [TXT] voice081.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice082-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 772 [   ] voice082.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice082.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 169 header file [TXT] voice082.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice083-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 755 [   ] voice083.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice083.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 167 header file [TXT] voice083.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice084-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 775 [   ] voice084.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice084.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 171 header file [TXT] voice084.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 388K [TXT] voice085-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 752 [   ] voice085.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice085.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice085.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 388K [TXT] voice086-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 776 [   ] voice086.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice086.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice086.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice087-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 790 [   ] voice087.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice087.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice087.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice088-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 777 [   ] voice088.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice088.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 171 header file [TXT] voice088.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice089-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 760 [   ] voice089.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice089.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice089.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice090-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 763 [   ] voice090.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice090.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice090.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice091-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 739 [   ] voice091.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice091.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice091.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice092-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 750 [   ] voice092.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice092.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 160 header file [TXT] voice092.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice093-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 776 [   ] voice093.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice093.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice093.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice094-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 784 [   ] voice094.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice094.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice094.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice095-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 754 [   ] voice095.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice095.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice095.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice096-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 764 [   ] voice096.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice096.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice096.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice097-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 763 [   ] voice097.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice097.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice097.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice098-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 760 [   ] voice098.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice098.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 160 header file [TXT] voice098.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice099-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 768 [   ] voice099.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice099.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice099.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice100-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 744 [   ] voice100.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice100.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice100.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice101-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 742 [   ] voice101.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice101.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice101.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice102-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 743 [   ] voice102.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice102.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 157 header file [TXT] voice102.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice103-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 756 [   ] voice103.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice103.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 160 header file [TXT] voice103.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice104-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 757 [   ] voice104.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice104.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice104.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice105-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 774 [   ] voice105.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice105.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice105.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice106-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 786 [   ] voice106.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 151K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice106.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice106.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice107-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 756 [   ] voice107.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice107.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 160 header file [TXT] voice107.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice108-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 744 [   ] voice108.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice108.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 156 header file [TXT] voice108.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice109-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 749 [   ] voice109.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice109.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice109.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice110-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 747 [   ] voice110.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice110.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice110.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice111-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 753 [   ] voice111.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice111.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice111.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice112-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 777 [   ] voice112.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice112.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice112.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice113-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 775 [   ] voice113.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice113.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice113.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice114-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 748 [   ] voice114.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice114.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice114.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 395K [TXT] voice115-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 759 [   ] voice115.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice115.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice115.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice116-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 794 [   ] voice116.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice116.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 171 header file [TXT] voice116.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice117-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 792 [   ] voice117.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice117.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice117.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice118-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 779 [   ] voice118.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 150K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice118.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice118.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 397K [TXT] voice119-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 782 [   ] voice119.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice119.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice119.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice120-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 749 [   ] voice120.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice120.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 145 header file [TXT] voice120.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice121-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 766 [   ] voice121.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice121.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice121.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice122-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 782 [   ] voice122.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice122.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice122.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice123-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 743 [   ] voice123.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice123.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 160 header file [TXT] voice123.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice124-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 767 [   ] voice124.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice124.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice124.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 387K [TXT] voice125-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 731 [   ] voice125.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice125.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice125.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 396K [TXT] voice126-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 776 [   ] voice126.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice126.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice126.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice127-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 752 [   ] voice127.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice127.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 168 header file [TXT] voice127.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice128-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 776 [   ] voice128.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice128.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice128.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice129-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 779 [   ] voice129.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice129.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice129.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice130-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 772 [   ] voice130.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice130.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice130.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice131-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 775 [   ] voice131.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice131.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice131.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice132-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 789 [   ] voice132.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice132.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice132.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice133-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 758 [   ] voice133.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice133.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 169 header file [TXT] voice133.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 387K [TXT] voice134-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 759 [   ] voice134.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice134.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice134.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice135-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 765 [   ] voice135.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice135.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 171 header file [TXT] voice135.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice136-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 790 [   ] voice136.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice136.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice136.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice137-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 774 [   ] voice137.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice137.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice137.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 388K [TXT] voice138-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 786 [   ] voice138.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice138.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 171 header file [TXT] voice138.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice139-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 748 [   ] voice139.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice139.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice139.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice140-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 776 [   ] voice140.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice140.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice140.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice141-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 758 [   ] voice141.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice141.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice141.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice142-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 806 [   ] voice142.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 150K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice142.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice142.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 395K [TXT] voice143-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 792 [   ] voice143.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice143.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice143.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice144-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 763 [   ] voice144.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice144.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice144.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice145-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 773 [   ] voice145.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice145.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice145.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice146-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 777 [   ] voice146.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 150K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice146.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice146.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 396K [TXT] voice147-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 791 [   ] voice147.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice147.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice147.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice148-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 771 [   ] voice148.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice148.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice148.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice149-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 782 [   ] voice149.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice149.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice149.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice150-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 765 [   ] voice150.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice150.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice150.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice151-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 770 [   ] voice151.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice151.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 169 header file [TXT] voice151.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice152-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 789 [   ] voice152.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice152.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice152.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice153-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 779 [   ] voice153.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice153.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice153.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice154-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 769 [   ] voice154.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice154.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 169 header file [TXT] voice154.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice155-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 774 [   ] voice155.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice155.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice155.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice156-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 759 [   ] voice156.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice156.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 171 header file [TXT] voice156.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice157-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 777 [   ] voice157.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice157.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice157.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice158-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 745 [   ] voice158.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice158.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 160 header file [TXT] voice158.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice159-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 767 [   ] voice159.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice159.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice159.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice160-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 770 [   ] voice160.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice160.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice160.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice161-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 814 [   ] voice161.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice161.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice161.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice162-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 767 [   ] voice162.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice162.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice162.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 387K [TXT] voice163-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 778 [   ] voice163.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice163.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 171 header file [TXT] voice163.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice164-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 768 [   ] voice164.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice164.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice164.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice165-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 795 [   ] voice165.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice165.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice165.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice166-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 781 [   ] voice166.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice166.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 162 header file [TXT] voice166.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice167-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 777 [   ] voice167.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice167.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice167.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice168-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 768 [   ] voice168.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice168.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice168.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice169-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 772 [   ] voice169.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice169.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice169.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice170-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 791 [   ] voice170.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 150K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice170.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice170.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 395K [TXT] voice171-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 781 [   ] voice171.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice171.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 171 header file [TXT] voice171.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice172-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 767 [   ] voice172.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice172.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice172.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice173-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 773 [   ] voice173.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice173.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice173.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice174-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 797 [   ] voice174.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 150K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice174.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice174.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 394K [TXT] voice175-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 781 [   ] voice175.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice175.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice175.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice176-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 742 [   ] voice176.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice176.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice176.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice177-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 751 [   ] voice177.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice177.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 160 header file [TXT] voice177.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice178-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 765 [   ] voice178.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice178.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 160 header file [TXT] voice178.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice179-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 746 [   ] voice179.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice179.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 157 header file [TXT] voice179.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice180-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 741 [   ] voice180.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice180.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 160 header file [TXT] voice180.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice181-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 750 [   ] voice181.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice181.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice181.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice182-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 746 [   ] voice182.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice182.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice182.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice183-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 746 [   ] voice183.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice183.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 160 header file [TXT] voice183.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice184-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 749 [   ] voice184.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice184.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 157 header file [TXT] voice184.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 388K [TXT] voice185-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 780 [   ] voice185.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice185.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice185.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice186-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 767 [   ] voice186.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice186.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice186.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice187-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 772 [   ] voice187.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice187.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice187.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice188-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 770 [   ] voice188.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice188.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice188.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice189-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 789 [   ] voice189.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice189.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 171 header file [TXT] voice189.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice190-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 772 [   ] voice190.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice190.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice190.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice191-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 756 [   ] voice191.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice191.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice191.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice192-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 756 [   ] voice192.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice192.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice192.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice193-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 766 [   ] voice193.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice193.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice193.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice194-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 762 [   ] voice194.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice194.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 170 header file [TXT] voice194.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 389K [TXT] voice195-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 762 [   ] voice195.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice195.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice195.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice196-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 758 [   ] voice196.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice196.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 159 header file [TXT] voice196.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 387K [TXT] voice197-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 754 [   ] voice197.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice197.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 157 header file [TXT] voice197.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 386K [TXT] voice198-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 780 [   ] voice198.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice198.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice198.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice199-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 775 [   ] voice199.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 148K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice199.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice199.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 390K [TXT] voice200-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 765 [   ] voice200.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice200.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 172 header file [TXT] voice200.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice201-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 797 [   ] voice201.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice201.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice201.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice202-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 774 [   ] voice202.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice202.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 173 header file [TXT] voice202.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 393K [TXT] voice203-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 756 [   ] voice203.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice203.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice203.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 388K [TXT] voice204-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 752 [   ] voice204.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice204.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice204.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice205-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 785 [   ] voice205.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice205.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 174 header file [TXT] voice205.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice206-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 754 [   ] voice206.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice206.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 158 header file [TXT] voice206.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K [TXT] voice207-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 739 [   ] voice207.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice207.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 160 header file [TXT] voice207.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 391K [TXT] voice208-info.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 779 [   ] voice208.dat 2018-06-22 17:10 149K digitized signal(s) [   ] voice208.hea 2018-06-22 17:10 175 header file [TXT] voice208.txt 2018-06-22 17:10 392K

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Updated Friday, 28 October 2016 at 16:58 EDT

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