This directory and its subdirectories contain the predecessor of the WFDB Software Package, as it was distributed on the third edition of the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database CD-ROM. The DB Software Package is no longer being maintained, but it will continue to be available here as reference material, along with the manuals that accompanied it:
- The DB Software Package, (version 9.7.1 sources and binaries, WAVE version 6.0 binaries, and WVIEW version 1.03 alpha binaries). Sources for the current versions of WAVE and WVIEW are available within the WFDB Software Package.
- ECG Database Programmer's Guide, ninth edition for DB library version 9.7 (see software/db/NEWNEWS.TXT for changes from version 9.7 to version 9.7.1)
- ECG Database Applications Guide, tenth edition
- WAVE User's Guide, third edition for WAVE version 6.0
Important! Please do not use any postal or e-mail addresses within the DB Software Package sources or the associated manuals, since they have changed. Use the address below instead.
The WFDB Software Package is an updated, maintained, and supported version of the DB Software Package, containing many significant enhancements and a small number of bug fixes, and supporting all of the functionality of its predecessor. Please use the WFDB Software Package in preference to this one!
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