List of Figures
plt Tutorial and Cookbook
plt Tutorial and Cookbook
List of Figures
A brief history of plt
How to read this book
How to avoid reading this book
Getting Started with plt
plt Essentials
Using plt without an X server
More about options
Tutorial: Simple Plots
Screen and printed plots
Adding titles and axis labels
Setting up the axes
A simple scatter plot
Using color
Plotting an image
Plotting a function of a single variable
Preparing Input for plt
Text data files
Comma-separated value (CSV) files
Binary data files
Data specifications
Generating abscissas automatically
Format files
String arrays
Coordinate Systems
Titles and Axes
``Quickplot'' mode
Plotting Data
A gallery of plotstyles
Plotting Two or More Data Sets Together
Plotting multiple data sets on one set of axes
Placing multiple plots on a page
Labelling Your Plot
Concatenating labels
Drawing Line Segments, Arrows, and Boxes
Suppressing Plot Elements
Colors, Line Styles, and Fonts
Advanced Axis Options
Color Names
Preparing Printed Output
Generating EPSF using plt
Including plt figures in a L
TEX document
Margins, cropping, and bounding boxes
Processing, previewing and printing
Using plt with pdfL
Preparing Plots for the Web
On-Screen Plots
Scripting with plt
How to get and install plt
Compiling plt under Linux or Unix
Compiling and Using plt under Mac OS X (Darwin)
Compiling and Using plt under MS-Windows
What's New?
Known bugs
man Pages for the plt Package
George B. Moody (